DaNZiNg and SPORTS, definitely! i pLaY BBaLL, BiLLiaRDs/PooL, TeNNis, BaDMiN, TaeKwONDo, uLTiMaTe FrisBee and oDeR sPoRTs (swimming, volleyball, track and field, PIKO, AGAWAN BASE... hehehe). i LoVe WaTChiNg MoViEs (although i hate showbiz... argHHHH nvM). i aLsO DiG reaDing NoVeLs. someTimes kasi, sTories are beTTer expressed in BooKs (HaRRy PoTTeR), oDerS in MoVies (LOTR, MaTriX, BLaDe, roManTic COMEDIES), and ODerZ in Real LyF. and i almost forgot... maKinG sweet L O V E with mah BB.
as LoNg as UR inTeResTiNg, and DoesNt HaCK/BOOT OUT PeePs in da NeT (das being too power-trippy for me), then i'Ld definitely LyK to MeeT u. c",)
DMB, InCuBuS, CoLdPLaY, SiDeA, PaoLo SanTos, i'LL Beee, oVeRJoYeD, sum hiphop tunes, oderwise... let me hear it... ima TeLL ya aFTeRwaRDs if i reaLLy reaLLy DiG it.
LooK sa iNteResTs kow. here are sum oDeRz: MonaLisa SmiLe, AdaM sandLer movies, BeN StiLLeR movies, CARTOONISH STUFF (finding nemo, shrek, ice age, chuva mah loo). god they're soooo good in making you laugh!!!
anY BooK created by: sYDNey SHeLDoN, Christopher PiKe and those vampire chronicles about Harry Keogh, D NecrosCoPe