***IM @ IR II IE*** profile picture

***IM @ IR II IE***

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.. Brown eyes, medium built, loves FASHION! loves to sing and dance, loves to travel, loves VERNS! OK! OK! enuff of that crap...I'm a free spirit girl... I'm very optimist. Anyway, it's fun to have my own world on the internet. I hope ya'll enjoy mY SpAcE!!!

My Interests

i'M deFInitEly inTEresTEd in mUSic, mOVies, faSHion, exTREme spORts, traVeLLing, aNd wEb dEsigning...

I'd like to meet:

Interesting People. People who can teach me something new, or tell me something I DON'T KNOW. Someone who knows when to have fun and also knows when to be serious. I don't like brash obnoxious types so if this sounds like you, then we have NOTHING in common. There's nothing wrong with being confident (like me) as long as you're not cocky or self absorbed. Someone who is open to trying out new things and perhaps someone who enjoys travel. Sound like you ? Get in touch !!! :)


stePHen spEAks, jOHn mAYer, dIDo, MEtaLLICA, rEd hOt cHIli pEppers,evanESCence, tHe coRRs, 50 cENt, aALiyaH, j-Lo, avRiL laVIgne, bEatlEs, jOSh grOBan, chARlotte chURch, beYOnce knOWles, bOb maRLey, bONe tHUgs N haRMony, bOn jOVi, tHe beSt of brEAd, caRPenters, chANtal krEViazuk, mS. reGIne v. (op kORz!), cOCo lEe, crANbErrIes, daNIel beDDingfield, enRIque iglESias, frEEstyle, gARy V., gOO gOO dOLls, gUns N rOSes, jAmeS inGRam, lEa sALonga, jAn arDEn, juStin T., kYLa, liMp biZKit, liNKin pARk, lISa, loEb, laURyn hILl, nAs fEAt, LLCooLJ, lUmiDee, maNDy mOOre, maTChbox 20, miCHelle brANch, miSSy elIOt, neLLy, noRAh jONes, sEAn pAul, riVErmaya, sIDe A!!!, sIx peNCe nOn d' riCHer, tRUe fAIth, aNd maNy moRe!!!


i lOVe wATChing nOn-bORinG mOVIes ... suSPEnse, lOve sTOry, aCTIon, coMEDy... baSiCaLLy AlmOst anYTHing uNDer tHe sUn hEhEhe...


, reality TV shows (american idol, fear factor & america's top model), hmmm what else?!?!?!... guess dat's all! and oh yeah 24 hehehe


"Bodega Dreams" by Ernesto Quinonez. tHe noVEl ceNTErs oN a chARIsmATic fErMEr aCTIvist wITh tHe yOUNg LOrds iN tHe 1960s. iT's baSICaLLy a fAct iN tHe UNiTeD StAtes, tHAt a lOt oF LAtiNo iSSues gO unCOVered, espECIaLLy iN neiGHBourhOOds liKe SpaNish HaRlem.


ME! :P

My Blog

Lately ...

this song has always been my favorite... sung by Stevie Wonder who's also a great singer, composer & song writer =========================== Lately, I have had the strangest feeling With no v...
Posted by ***IM @ IR II IE*** on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


this is one of my favorite songs... sung by Boys II Men How do I say goodbye to what we had? The good times that made us laugh Outweigh the bad. I thought we'd get to see forever But forever's...
Posted by ***IM @ IR II IE*** on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

another lovely song stuck in my head all night !!!

thought i'd share it with u guys.... here goes my song entitled THE FIRST CUT IS THE DEEPEST by Sheryl Crow (me singing along with my guitar) :P I would have given you all of my heart...
Posted by ***IM @ IR II IE*** on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


If you think it is boring or don't like it, then don't read it. this is a journal not a letter to the readers, a place for me to let out my thoughts, so if you dont like it... dont complain, you chose...
Posted by ***IM @ IR II IE*** on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST