Tao Te King, Yoga, Sports, Myth, Philosophy, Psychology, Economics, and Literature. !
Anyone that can help me find my own path. Anyone that needs help in finding his own path. People in the film and entertainment industry who have a genuine love for people!
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Alejandro Sanz, Ricardo Arjona, Ricky Martin, The Corrs, Dido, B. Adams, Cat Stevens, Alex Ubago, Ismael Serrano, Gianlucca Grigniani, and Tiziano Ferro
Brave Heart, The Fight Club, Rob Roy, The Patriot, and Million Dollar Baby
Sidartha, Demian. ¨Herman Hesse¨ The Fountainhead and The Atlas Shrugged by ¨Ayn Rand¨
William Wallace, Ernesto Guevara