Dominance, ropes, spanking, flogging, submissives, bdsm, sluts, slaves, S
I am an experienced artist, professor, published writer (as in outside myspace), and Master here in New York. If you are interested in the art of submission, have any questions, or are just looking for a like-minded soul, you can write to me. %D%AI am intelligent, well-read, educated, speak 4 languages, intellectual, artistic, and am looking for people who don't fit into this society's cookie-cutter sexual/ artistic/ lifestle programming.%D%A%D%ALooking for friends, potential slaves/ subs, psychos, mudderfuckers, kind souls, and weirdos.
Secretary, Tokyo Decadence, Amor Es Perros, Battle In Heaven, Svankmajer, Underground, random porn, BDSM porn
Story of O, Story of an Eye, Foucault, Deleuze and Gautari, Paul Celan, Tomaz Salamun, Ben Marcus, Michel Leiris, Foucault, Lafcadio Hearn, Aase Berg, Calvino, Robert Desnos, George Trakl, Lukas Tomin, Coetzee, Wallace Stevens, Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Apollinaire, Francis Picabia, Kobo Abe, Rimbaud, Merwin, Jean Follain, Frank Ohara, Mayakovsky,Muriel Rukeyser,Marianne Moore, John Ashbery, Clark Coolidge, Miroslav Holub, Ezra Pound, Nicanor Parra, Borges, Joyce, Vasko Popa, Jacques Prevert, Genet, Zbigniew Herbert, Elizabeth Bishop, Witold Gombrowicz, Blaise Cendrars, Antonio Porta, Andrea Zanzotto, Antonin Artaud, Bukowski, Aime Cesaire and on and on and on