The most un fair thing in life, is the way they end!...i mean, life is tough and they take away from u a lot of energy. and what do u recieve in the end? death!!!
I would have change it all and turn over life cycle completely. it goes like this: first u have to die, then u go to old folks' home. when they discover that u are too healthy, they get rid of u and then u go to collect your pension money. afterwards u start to work and in your first day u recieve a gold watch!!! cool no?! u work there for 40 years until u are becoming young in order to enjoy your retirement. u start to drink alcohol, to celebrate, to go out with girls - the good life...afterwards you are already prepared to start high-school and then to elementary school. you are already a child and you can play a lot of great games (you dont have responsibility!!!). so you are turning to be a baby and immediately afterwards you find yourself spending 9 month inside a hotel wich includes: health center, spa, room service (to your mouth!!!). then come the moment and you finish your life as orgasm. AMEN!!!