I run THICK SKIN DISTRO & DESIGN, so be sure to pick up records and CD's from me at your local hardcore shows and support hard working bands!
I book shows in Nashville with Code Of Honor Booking . I only work with bands that I know so don't ask me to book your band if I have no clue who you are. Also, any bands wanting to send out demo's to me for my disto and for me to check out just shoot me a message and I'll pass them out.
My AIM is XSTANDFORITX but it's usually forwarded to the cell phone beacuse I'm never on AIM anymore. If I'm not working or asleep I'll respond, or as soon as I get the chance.
Also, I take lots of road trips and go to lots of shows all over the place. If you are ever wanting to hit up some out of town shows, get with me.
Also check out my Thick Skin eStore on half.com and my eBay items