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Nick Garrett Fansite

The Nick Garrett Fansite - Keeping the Music Playing!

About Me

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I used 's amazing MySpace Editor .
Nick Garrett, set up by a fan with permission from Nick's management.
NICK GARRETT -- Bass-baritone, pianist, songwriter, arranger. He's sung over 37 major operatic roles and performed in front of millions, including royalty.
Having taught himself to play the piano from the age of seven, Nick was accepted by Trinity College of Music to study singing, composition, piano and conducting before wining a much coveted singing grant from the Wolfson Foundation.
Nick was a founding member;and bass-baritone, for the multi-million selling artist Amici forever, composing and arranging all the vocal arrangements on their album Defined.
Nick is now embarking on his solo recording career and as a true classical crossover performer, Nick Garrett has done it all. In a recent press interview Nick explains,"....'crossing over' means that I am first and foremost an opera singer, but I love experimenting and I have a connection with world music and jazz, easy listening and rock and pop, as well as classical music. I do think that crossover needs to evolve. Its not good enough now just to overlay a beat with some strings. Audiences have become more sophisticated and they want to see real talent and true ability from a cross-over artist. After all how can you be cross-over if you havent crossed-over from anywhere? I enjoyed arranging Defined for Amici forever. I am proud of my contribution to the album and although I no longer sing with the group its gratifying to know that my music lives on through them."
According to the HMV review, "Garrett, has the knack of identifying what famous classical melodies will work for voice and cleverly rearranging them as Italianate operatic showstoppers."
2006 was an exciting year for Nick Garrett. He performed for Royalty, Heads of States and literally millions of TV viewers who witnessed his performances at no less than 3 major ceremonial sporting occasions. More recently he performed at the Manchester International Festival with the Young Voices Children's Choir singing The Festival Song, written by the legendary Ennio Morricone and backed by the 8000 strong choir.
Nick's long awaited debut solo mini-album was released on ..h and is proving highly popular throughout the sold out of stock within a week of its release!He has received many wonderful reviews from his fans and also received much coverage on the classical crossover website,
He returned to the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden recently to play the roles of the Wolf and Cinderella's Prince in the Sondheim musical Into the Woods.He then reprised the same roles a week later in Manchester and has received some great reviews for his performances.For more news on this amazing performer, check out his offical website
or his myspace page
For Nick Garrett Merchandise, visit the store at: mp;shopid=142

My Interests

Nick Garrett at Congleton

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Nick Garrett at Congleton August 2006

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Schools Festival Song

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I'd like to meet:

All Nick Garrett Fans! - If you have any photos of you with Nick, please send a message and it can be posted on here.


Other CDs featuring Nick Garrett

DVDs featuring Nick Garrett

My Blog

Rate Nick on ClassicalX have introduced a ratings system for their featured artists and you can now rate each of them out of 5*. Nick is currently number 10 "in the charts" but we know this can be improve...
Posted by Nick Garrett Fansite on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 07:56:00 PST

Celebrate nickgarrett.nets 2nd Birthday - Into the Woods Style! celebrates its 2nd birthday on August 20th and to mark the occasion, the Garrett Girls are organising an online party on Nick's site. The party will take place on the forum (Off Topic ...
Posted by Nick Garrett Fansite on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:12:00 PST

Into the Woods - Review on Classicalx

Nick's fans had the chance to meet the man himself after his performance on 29th June at a Meet and Greet in London.Everyone said how much they had enjoyed the show particularly Nick's performances as...
Posted by Nick Garrett Fansite on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 02:24:00 PST

Into the Woods - Reviews

If you go Into the Woods today, I'm sure it will be no surprise to hear that Nick is doing a great job in his roles as Wolf and Prince Charming .The show is a sell-out in London and the reviews are co...
Posted by Nick Garrett Fansite on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 05:52:00 PST

News from

Nick took time out from his rehearsals for Into the Woods today to post a message to all his fans on his website. To read the message in full, go to
Posted by Nick Garrett Fansite on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 12:24:00 PST

Hi From Nick Garrett Fansite (reposted bulletin)

First of all, welcome to all new additions to the Nick Garrett Fansite. If you haven't done so already, please pop by and post a comment to introduce yourself to everyone on here. It's great to have n...
Posted by Nick Garrett Fansite on Fri, 25 May 2007 02:02:00 PST

Nick Garrett Birthday Tribute

Nick Garrett will be celebrating his birthday April 13th and we are looking for ideas for ways his fans could celebrate the day. Last year, lots of fans on his own website, got together and sent in a ...
Posted by Nick Garrett Fansite on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 06:04:00 PST

Into The Woods Manchester

Don't worry if you've not been able to book tickets for Into The Woods during its run in Covent Garden, the good news is that tickets are now on sale for when the production goes to Manchester.  ...
Posted by Nick Garrett Fansite on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 07:35:00 PST

Into The Woods

Just a reminder that tickets are now on sale to see Nick Garrett performing in the Steven Sondheim musical Into the Woods. The musical will run from 14-30th June at the Linbury Theatre, Covent Garden ...
Posted by Nick Garrett Fansite on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 10:48:00 PST

Ways to Keep the Music Playing!

With more people joining the Nick Garrett myspace fansite daily, there's no better time to discuss ways to spread the word of Nick Garrett to all corners of the world. Many people have ...
Posted by Nick Garrett Fansite on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 06:51:00 PST