motorsports,especilly NASCAR,football(GO GIANTS!!!!),aircraft,meteorology,NASA,lighthouses,all outdoors,animals,Firefighting
Jesus and God,(i'm in no hurry but I would just love to say THANK YOU),Hugh Laurie,Dale Jarrett,the Teutals,Larry the Cable Guy
most 80s stuff,classic country,Gene Watson, oldies,soft rock,most anything except rap and real heavy stuff
Star Wars(all of them),Twister,Sci-Fi,Backdraft,Spider-Man,Transformers(looki ng foward to the new one coming out 7-4-07).
House M.D.,educational stuff,Sci-Fi channel,Speed,Knight Rider,cartoons,Transformers,American Chopper,Deadliest Catch
Sci-Fi mostly but I always enjoy a good book
My Family, they have always been supportive of my job choices and everything else I have set out to do,my best friend Dale who accepts me for me,and saving the best for last Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for me so that all my sins will be gone.