and you think you know who I am.
Tell you what? =) I know my looks can be deceiving.
I can make everybody think Im like this or like that.
Sometimes I do it on purpose, sometimes I dont.
Sometimes I think about what others say sometimes I dont give a damn..
im the kind of person who does everything her own way the way she wants to.
I just do and say what I feel.I dont try to impress anybody.
im not simple. far from it. i like everything extraordinary..
i live for it.. i'm anything but ordinary..i do everything in my life with a passion..
i try to live my life without regrets.. my motto? ::eVerYthiNg HaPPeNs fOr a ReaSoN:: ..
iM kiNd oF a hAppY-gO-LuCkY gaL.. wHat gOeS aRounD, cOMes aRoUnd..
bUt aT tHe saMe tiMe i cOuLd aLso bE sOmEoNe wHo haTes iT wHen tHiNgs doN't go her waY...
I'm really not that easy to figure out. I'm unpredictable. I'm very very moody.
I never really have a consistent behavior and attitude about everything.
I'm always changing.. I'm so fickle..
I can be so pissed off one minute then laughing the next.
I can be the crAziest gaL ull ever know or the sweetest angel ever..You choose the latter.
Sometimes, I'm so good in concealing what I really feel, and sometimes I can't take doing something i dont feel like doing.. I can be a totally honest person but also the biggest liar.. I guess that's the way it is. Either.. or.. bUt i gUess tHaT's wHat reaLLy mAkes mE soo iNteRestiNg and [ME] aNyWay
I'm cheerful and kind and I laugh alot most of the time...
but when I'm not, I'm bitter and I hate the world and I wish that everyone would be pissed off and sad as well.
I'm either cheerful, complacent, or bitter, but seldom happy. happiness is a theory.
At times, I whine not because I have a lot of complaints. I just like to whine. I'm impatient with petty things, but when I want to, and when it really matters, I'm the world's most patient person.
socially, i try to be as nice as possible. when i meet new people or go to new places, i try as much as i can to adjust with what is around me. tho i dont really like crowds, u wouldn't spot me sitting on a corner either. not too hot, not too cold, hmmm, perhaps just warm.
relationship wise, i have a lot of acquiantances, few friends, and a number of what i call "close" friends. i don't really rely on first impressions. if asked to choose, i'd rather know a person better than to give judgement on a premature relationship.
when conflicts come, i always try to consider other possibilities. opinion wise, i am open with constructive criticism and am disgusted with plain insult. i am, at times, brutally frank yet subtly gentle. i really really really HATE people who just say nasty (specially unnecessary) things on purpose to hurt someone's feelings.
another of the things i hate most is being nosy; i just dont think the idea of poking one's head into other people's business is amusing
anyway, i like GENUINELY nice people, not people who just do good stuff just to prove something about themselves.
i have to say tho, i am a little mischievous at times. and i do not lie, i speak the truth. if i am lying/kidding, you'd know.