Music, dance, art, museums, grottos, sculpture, poetry, beaches, streams, feng shui, plants, decorating, cooking, creating.........
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Myspace Layouts
New friends..........Men and woman to socialize with.Relationship: I am ultimately looking for a long term relationship....with someone who is himself, knows himself and respects himself......someone who likes to laugh.
Someone that has tossed the baggage and is moving forward with his life...Someone who really knows what they want and how to get it. and keep it......
Someone who remembers what a phone is for.....has respect for his woman and shows he cares....Someone whose actions reflect his words..........someone who doesn't mind a woman that smokes, drinks socially and is comfortable with who she is and where shes at, knows what she wants and where she is going
MySpace Comments
Elton John, Beyonce, Johnny Cash, Lorri Morgan, Pamela Stanley, Patty LaBelle, Tim McGraw. The Temptations, Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash.....Celine Dion...
Favorite all time movie....An Affair to Remember...
Miracle in the Rain........Wedding Crashers,
Find Me Guilty.......A Bronx Tale........Miracle on 34th Street......Runaway Bride.....Rocky.....The Wizard of Oz..
Walk The Line........Goodfellas.......
Myspace Layouts
Dancing With The Stars..Friends...Will and Grace.....This Old House......Music Channels....Sex in the City...Everybody Loves Raymond....Dancing With The Stars..American Idol.. What Not To Wear...Antiques Road Show....
Message in a Bottle...... When Love Ends.........Desire..... The Dreamers Dictionary...... Don't Bet on the Prince......His Song Small Miracles....
My heros are all the Troops serving the USA
AND MY DAD THE LAST OF THE REAL MEN....................
Glitter Graphics
Myspace LayoutsDADDY, When I was just a little girl standing on your hand, You said I could do anything, the world would be mine,You said LOOK UP girl don't LOOK DOWN, and you'll be just fine..
And I believed you...
Well, Daddy, You and me, we've been through so much together
You really were a trooper, Dad, You never let me down.
and I'm still your baby, I'm a womanchild
Everything that I have you gave me
Everything that I am you made me
All the love that I feel, comes straight from you.
I'm the luckiest girl because my
first Love was a Special guy
You're a hard act to follow,
Daddy, it's true
I Love You
Daddy I just wish you were here now to tell you how much you are...You were honest, strong, my shining star,
You are my Hero
Daddy, when it comes to life, thank you for the running start, And for all the words and music flowing through my heart...
And this is my song for you