food?haha..muh all tym faves.. muh sweet morsels.. Chocolates! muffins! marshmallows! sansrival! pastas! and slurpies too.. (yum! ^o^) -- yeah addicted to them! --shopping. clothes. fashion. chat. text. bar hoppin'. meeting people. movies. pictures. videos. cameras. mirror. cosmetics. sleeping. -- glam all day long!
No one in particular...just make sure u dont stink! haha... YOU? perhaps?
RnB and acoustics...
LOTR trilogy, Harry Potter, Matrix trilogy, Serendipity, Swimfan, The others, The notebook, You got served, Hot chick, mean girls, Legally Blonde, White chicks, Girl next door, Forest Gump, Bruce almighty, RollerBall, -- *I still have lots.*
Pimp my Ride, RoomRaiderz, smaLLviLLe, Myx, Mtv, Thats So Raven, just 4 laughs, Mr. Bean, AFV, Fear Factor. Sponge Bob squarepants.
chicken soup for teenagers, for the soul, for the grieving soul..uuhm.. does magazines count? :D