Food, Technology, Music, Books, Etc.....
I just want to extend my Friendship with other people here and to find some one that could love me for What I'm not for Whom I'm......%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A
RnB, AlTeRnTiVe. AcOuStIc, RoCk, PuNk, JaZz, TeChNo, ReMiX, OsT, JaMaIcAn, AnImE SoUnD TrAcK, ClAsICaL, SyMpHoNy, EtC......
Top Gun, The God Father, PSYCHO, Dick Tracy, Rocketeer, Jaws, The Untouchables, Delinger, Lawrence of Arabia, Matrix Saga, Star Wars Saga, Titanic, When harry Met sally, Anime movies, War movies, a Walk 2 Remember, Dirty Harry, Etc.....
Dawsons creek, Felicity, Superman Animated, Endless Love, Endless Love (Winter Sonata), JOHN DOE, BIRDS OF PREY, Smallville, CSI ( Las Vegas ), CSI ( Miami ), SAMURAI X SERIES, HUNTER X HUNTER, Voltes V, Daimos, Mazinger Z, Simpsons, Mr Bean...Etc.....
Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Goose Bumps, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-Mark Twain's, Killer Tomatoes, Red Hot Linux, Micosoft Manual, Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, Something New (Something Fresh) by P.G. Wodehouse, Sonnets by Shakespeare, Etc
LeX LuThoR