Jesus and how he lived and was raised from the dead, How we can live life with a purpose that is not about ourselves, but about others.. personally, I would like to serve God on a Harley! Thanks, God,for creating the guy who created the HOG!
Other Brothers and Sisters in Christ and any other children of God, because we all are you know.. even if you don't know it yet!
I love Christian artists, old rock and roll and well, a little bit of everything... Casting Crowns,Big Daddy Weave, Todd Agnew, Nickleback, Eagles,Jennifer Knapp Journey, just to name a few.. Casting Crowns
Ones that make me laugh, think, horror though.
Joyce Myers, because she is a sister that holds nothing back! DOG the Bounty Hunter, because he is a brother that prays in front of millions watching him and is called to help the bad guys become good guys, CSI and Law and Order because I love to see the bad guys get caught!
Bible, Purpose Driven Life ... and others that help me grow in my faith..
Jesus Christ.. Striving to be more like him every day.... Thank you for the gift you gave brother!