Raining profile picture


Love God... Live like Jesus... Be forgiven, because that is what we are :)img src=http://i164.photob

About Me

Its not about me... When God closes a door get your head out of the way and it won't hurt so bad.. Trust him, He loves you more than anyone! Im so glad we are all forgiven!
Preach Jesus always use words when necessary...
Your Element Is Air
You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.
Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.
You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that! What's Your Element?
You Are An Iris
You are a unique person who seeks out novelty in life.
An inspiration seeker, you often have to change scenery to recharge.
You don't deal well with structure or rules. You need to do it your own way.
Your ideal relationships are free and flowing. No one can tie you down. What Flower Are You?
Your Power Bird is a Dove
Deep and emotional, you can connect well with almost any living creature.
You bring hope and optimism to any dire situation.
You are both gentle and affectionate with everyone you love.
Truly nurturing, most people consider you to be a mother figure. What's Your Power Bird?

My Interests

Jesus and how he lived and was raised from the dead, How we can live life with a purpose that is not about ourselves, but about others.. personally, I would like to serve God on a Harley! Thanks, God,for creating the guy who created the HOG!

I'd like to meet:

Other Brothers and Sisters in Christ and any other children of God, because we all are you know.. even if you don't know it yet!


I love Christian artists, old rock and roll and well, a little bit of everything... Casting Crowns,Big Daddy Weave, Todd Agnew, Nickleback, Eagles,Jennifer Knapp Journey, just to name a few.. Casting Crowns


Ones that make me laugh, think, cry..no horror though.


Joyce Myers, because she is a sister that holds nothing back! DOG the Bounty Hunter, because he is a brother that prays in front of millions watching him and is called to help the bad guys become good guys, CSI and Law and Order because I love to see the bad guys get caught!


Bible, Purpose Driven Life ... and others that help me grow in my faith..


Jesus Christ.. Striving to be more like him every day.... Thank you for the gift you gave brother!

My Blog

Another late night epiphany

what do you say to a soul who doesnt believe in God and has been on many different antidepressants and still can find no joy in life. She told me that she wakes up and it is the same old thing all the...
Posted by Raining on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 08:25:00 PST

Thinking again, sometimes it gets me into trouble!

I wish I could sit down a discuss emotions with God. He gave us emotions for a reason and they are so hard to handle. I mean he gave us love and admiration, respect and all the good ones, but then the...
Posted by Raining on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 07:16:00 PST

Just thinkin'

Just thinking as I do sometimes.. ok, all the time! I often talk to God when I am driving and sometimes get the best conversations going at that time. Well, today I was driving to Montpelier and talki...
Posted by Raining on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 05:48:00 PST