Shallow frying and deep caverns - well, thats the BF covered then. My name is Christopher and i have many substance abuse issues...... crockery and bed linen.... things that are red and my latest addiction is 7.5 inches, hard...... I'm talking heels....pigs!
A tiger.... a large one.I'd actually like to meet a man that doesn't lie and a KFC that has chicken after 9.30pm!!!! I mean, that's all they do.... chicken!!!!!! How hard can it be ?????
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Im loving myself sick with Heroes at the moment.GOD BLESS the internet, i think im up to episode 18.And a new show called Kyle xy its really good.Drawn together, do yourself a favour and download an episode if you havnt seen it, you will thank me for it.And of course who could forget will and grace
Readings for Chumps and Chumpettes.
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Dont really have many heroes, but if i had one it would be my mum, for putting up with me for the last 24 years.God bless that CRAZY BITCH.