~♥MellyGal♥~ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Buried at PhotoCasket.com What I need in my house... Which does not necessarily make me a drunk or anything... Who could turn down Moet on tap??
.. - Get Your Own
Your Life Path Number is 9
Your purpose in life is to make the world better
You are very socially conscious and a total idealist.
You think there are many things wrong with the world, and you want to fix them. You have a big idea of how to world could be, and you'll sacrifice almost anything to work towards this dream.
In love, you can easily see the beauty in someone else. And you never cling too tightly. You are capable of great love, but it's hard for you to focus your love on one person or relationship.
You have a lot of outward focus, and you tend to blame the world for your failures. You are often disappointed by the realities of life - it's hard for you to accept the shortcomings of the world. What Is Your Life Path Number?
Glitter Images @ Bopmyspace.com
I work to live and live to play... (A little too much play - YAY! Love to play - or so I have been told, did not realise there was such a thing)... I am the designated Mother to everyone and received the nickname "Mama Mel" which feeds my need to be in complete and utter control of everything and everyone around me!!! Yes I am a CONTROL FREAK, which is weird because most of the time I seem to be outta control!!!
I live in a dream world most of the time and get really annoyed at reality for invading my own personal space!! I have a warped sense of humour and usually can find the funny in any situation - and yes can laff at myself too, but especially love to laff at you!!! I am a lighter kleptomaniac, no lighter is safe around me but they are usually lost just as fast as I steal them... (Sorry Jay but you ask for it...).
I am trying to be a fitness freak but I drink and smoke too much so that is a long lost dream... I go between loving and hating my personal trainer because I go between feeling like I am about to die to thinking that I really am dying - but don't we all!! Love ya Claire really!!!
I am politically and union active - I have no choice with my beautiful family and friends and would not have it any other way really. At least it keeps things interesting always...
Am an airhead at all times which holds me in stead when I forget stuff like appts and dates which is ALL the time - Sorry guys... Laughter is the best medicine and taking life seriously is too much like hard work... So do my best to always "Look on the bright side of life...".
Click here to get your own custom Glitter TextI am a mother of a spoilt little "Princess Taylah-Belle" who is 6 and cannot wait to be 26. Among many other things she wants to be a "Movie Star Actor" which is fine with me but I wish the dramatics were not quite so enduring! She is a smart little cookie who attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at night whilst I am sleeping along with Harry (the boyfriend), Ron and Hermione, Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, Wendy, Casper the friendly ghost and a few other usual suspects... I love her the little "Drama Queen!"

My Interests

Well apart from life in general...People - aren't people the most curious of things so people watching with best friend and brother in law Justin... Hanging out with my girl (Taylah), looong looong lunches, coffee with friends, hanging with my family (which is rather extended apart from the fact that my mother is one of 16, reading, exercising with Claire Bear, dancing, hanging at the pub, listening to music, watching movies, travelling (usually our beautiful coast here in Western Australia)...

.. Me and Justin enjoying the ppl watching at Pride Day 2006...

I'd like to meet:

The very talented Gael Garcia Bernal... and Diego Luna looks like a blast...Also the amazing Bob Harper...Otherwise any funky crazy peoplez...


Buried at PhotoCasket.com All types of music... GWEN Stefani, Kylie, Pink, 2Pac, Roxette - Rock, No Doubt, Tina Turner (Legend), U2, Eve, Scissor Sisters, Robbie Williams, Nelly Furtado, The Veronicas, JLo, Nelly, LLCoolJ, JT, Britney, Christina Aguilera, Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Blondie, Fleetwood Mac, Beach Boys, Meatloaf, Harry Connick Jnr, AC/DC, Cold Chisel, Little Birdy, Silverchair, Eskimo Joe (OZ Rock Rools), Black Eyed Peas, Better than Ezra, Fatboy Slim, My all time fave DJ Dirty Den, Saul Bliss, Dirty South, Judge Jools, Carl Cox, Gorillaz - alot of unsigned artists that have posted their music on myspace - great listening... so many more so little time...


Buried at PhotoCasket.com Love movies all movies - All those 80's classics - Breakfast Club, St Elmo's Fire, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, Teen Wolf, Back to the Future... The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and whilst on Peter Jackson movies King Kong, Bad Taste and Heavenly Creatures. Motorcycle Diaries, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Amores Perros, Dirty Dancing (2 only), Nicotina, Interview with a Vampire, Willow (coolest flick), Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick, Fast and the Furious No 1 only, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Mummy and the Mummy Returns, The Scorpion King, Schindlers List, In the Name of the Father, Armistad (horrifying), Shawshank Redemption (Morgan Freeman Rocks), The Usual Suspects, American History X, Malcolm X, Braveheart, Glory, The Color Purple, Mo' Money, Major Payne, Training Day, Coming to America, Pirates of the Carribean (my baby girl wants to grow up to be Elizabeth Swann!), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Classic), What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Sleepy Hollow, Primal Fear, Meet Joe Black, Kalifornia, From Dusk till Dawn, The Replacement Killers, Most of the Batmans but especially Batman Begins, The Machinist (trippy), Reign of Fire, Star Wars 4-6, Bad Boys 1 and 2, King Arthur, One Perfect Day (great soundz), The Doco An Inconvenient Truth (very confronting), Monty Python - anything by that crew - funny, funny, funny... Fight Club is up there as an all time favourite movie - phew what a ride... Fidel and Che - even though a made for television movie still a great show... Not sure where to put these but Raw and Delirious I could go on and on but...


Glitter Images @ Bopmyspace.comDo not watch too much of the idiot box... Prefer to bop around the house with the IPod on, but here are my faves... The Simpsons, Futurama, Little Britain, AbFab, House, Veronica Mars, CSI, Weeds, Law and Order SVU and CI, Seinfeld, Cold Case, Close to Home.


Colouring Books - Love colouring books - they should not be just for kids!!Love Sci Fi/Fantasy novels, especially Raymond E Feist, David Eddings, JK Rowling, Anne Bishop, Tolkien (of course), Marion Zimmer Bradley, Katherine Kerr, Stephen Lawhead, Terry Brooks, Charles De Lint, Janny Wurts, Andre Norton, David Gemmell, Robin Hobb,Tad Williams... Biographies and political write ups... (yer yer so I am political...) but will read almost anything... except the newspaper always full of gossip or bad news and as the track goes "...because they all have ugly print." (Six Days - DJ Shadow Featuring Mos Def)



My Ma and my Pa!!!

Ernesto "Che" Guevera - The Revolutionary... "There is no other definition of socialism valid for us than that of the abolition of the exploitation of man by man." - Ernesto Che Guevara...

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What you need to know...

..> TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Melanie Birthday: June baby - Full of Grace Birthplace: Australia Current Location: Perth Australia Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: All sorts Heigh...
Posted by ~♥MellyGal♥~ on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 06:43:00 PST