Spectra profile picture


Let's make a deal.

About Me

I am actually not clear on whether this is flattering or not, but my friend wrote this for me to find on his blog: "When Mike first floats into the room, many will simply notice his cartoon like ability to stridently stroke his long awaited avuncular beard while he expatiates bubbly toned candy corn like sentences in a surprisingly drifty yet germane tone regarding his innovative, seemingly opulent and recently obtained design sinecure. Few will notice how he seduces everyone in his proximity with his plethora of heartfelt quotidian man-on-the-go New York stories. Few and many will often but never surrender to his exemplary ability to expedite any process with his copious knowledge of time proven life experience and his ability to shaken even the most simple of situations with his pensive harmonious logic and charming non-sequitur customs. This inimitable myriad of inner brain strategy make him an incredibly resolute and sexually atractive homegrown Orlando Bloom/Sean Connery fusion of god sent character who is, quite simply, almost always right unless you're willing to debate him. To show Mike a quick card trick would be to mail him a fresh deck of cards with a reciept and directions. He speaks basic German, has your same camera and can open that beer with his ring. From his didactic study session style 'in your face' edginess to his surprisingly diverse non-compact disc based audio collection (Which includes everything from the most classic domestic and imported Rock albums, to Techno, Jazz, Trip Hop, and Cutting Edge Pumping Hard Electro House) he has personally gotten me out of many a problematic situation first hand without a scar on my pretty face, I can assure you. To talk to him is to talk to a full sized skin colored, frequently drunken, adamant man-robot, full of inscrutable certainty and 24 year old emotion. He is voluble, flirtacious, and un-decidedly octo-tonely bearded. He has a bachelors degree which, although occasionally leaving him both literally and figuratively stranded, makes him sharp and dangerous like a stocking stuffer style knife sent from the orient only to be garnished with the gift of tacit equanimity. He loves Confidence, Shoes, and Scotch, and has a unique first in line affinity for the American, European, Asian, and Semi-Indian ladies. He has a penchant for the industrious arts, and an un-categorical solicitous love for the well being of your colorful book collection that he mutually owns pre-introduction-to-you copies of. He can whisper the difference between Panasonic, Sony and Samsung but doesn't need to. He can scream the difference between Europe, Canada and America at the drop of a hat and at the top of his lungs but doesn't want have to. He can explain the difference between Art, Engineering, and Design at the drop of pants but isn't ever going to get the right time to. To let down your guard to Mike is to be no longer green, unsolved, and to be no longer callow for his demonstrable inability to acquiesce to that which is at a gentle stand still will toss you off of a cliff made of pure ethereal bio-degradable computer aided logic while his soul buys you a beverage of your choice with a decorative penis shaped straw to send you well on your way as a factually enlightened peer. He is the voice of an abstruse generation of others that doesn't currently physically exist in human form. Though not appearing to be docile, he is in the end the most docile man of all men standing through not revealing his predilections or imbroglio. Offer him the last bite and he will spend several gentle minutes describing it to you, minutes which are far better than tasting merely a mouthful of whatever it is that we're currently talking about. Say what you will but he is many things and many things not, including: The tardy gum drop godfather of partitioning off his harddrive and using personal computer software on a Macintosh. The smart lumber pump hacky sack pseudo-joker with the memorably milky skin. Harbo Garbo the ultimate fighting non-champion. Single Malt, Boy Toy, or Hitchcock Sucker Robert Altman Arnold Palmer Pad. The Irish epiphany cumber bun double windsor jack dick of Nebraskan proportions who to the naked eye appears to be gayer than a dolphin made out of non-fat ice cream but lifts heavy objects constantly and is definately not a drop of gay. A mans man of men, and a man who is made out of pure man made man. If you're reading this and you have not yet physically met Mike, be ready to not overlook his certain traits that exist somehow unquestionably through the night and into the morning with intense memorization, for again, he is flavored and scented, and has been refined and chiseled since before cutting huge sheets of glass at his mothers frame shop as a pre-teen. To quote the man himself, he is a "Symbolic Logician" who likes "Spooning vigorously for warmth". Let yourself not be confused, for a second. Open your eyes to that which he is, and that which is definately is not. Meet Mike. Mike Boylan. Industrial Designer. And yes - You're welcome. Oh by the way, did I mention that he can play the bass, and by the bass I mean guitar and also bass. I'm not joking."..

My Interests

Playing God. Vigorous spooning for warmth. People with more questions than answers. Art and design. Product design. Music. Production of said music. Futuristic metal things with sharp edges. Control Vertices. Deconstructing nuance. Taking those little subscription card things out of magazines when I buy them. Swimming to the rock and back. Never having gone to college. Acquiring the means to pay back loans. Not worrying about anything.

I'd like to meet:

Some networking skills. Rapacious grizzly harpies. Dad issues. Paradoxically indecipherable women. Fans of subtle hues. Infinite patience personified. People with symmetrical features.


Alternating patches of light and silvery relaxed sounding things and intentionally frenetic electronic noises with intermittent ambient acoustic soundscapes. Chet Baker, Gnarls Barkley, The Knife, Clor, J-Dilla, Roxy Music, Brian eno, Jamie Lidell, New Ladytron, Boards of Canada, Mylo. Underworld, Mr. Oizo, White guy jazz (brubeck, eroll garner, etc.) Tortoise, Dabrye, Koop, Stereolab, Air, New Order, Gorillaz, Felix, Hall & Oates, Múm, etc.


Tron, Blade Runner, The big lebowski, Royal Tennenbaums, Punch Drunk Love, Brazil, Intentionally bad 80's action flicks, Trancers, Life Aquatic. Modern Marvels. Anything involving tractors or other large machines, Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Most Will Ferrell, Most Kubrick, Most Woody Allen. ..


Gray box with knobs and rabbit ears.


Here are some recent ones: Pattern Recognition - gibson, Archetypes of the collective unconscious - jung, Fermata - Baker, God Delusion - Dawken, Naked - Sedaris, Alchemist - Cohello, Running w/ scissors - Burroughs, In Cold Blood - Capote, 2012 - Pinchbeck, American Psycho - Ellis, Hell's Angels - Thompson, 100 Years of Solitude - Marquez, Elegant Universe - Greene, Catch 22 - Heller.


People more eloquent and resourceful than I am.

My Blog

My new portfolio site.

Mike B DesignCheck it out if you haven't already.
Posted by Spectra on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 04:41:00 PST

Check Out My I.D. Work Online at Coroflot

view my portfolio:coroflot.com/mikeb...
Posted by Spectra on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 08:44:00 PST

Happy Anniversary New York

Two years ago today I drove into the city in a giant yellow truck. Two years of dipsy-doodles, having the guy at the coffee shop put my scalding hot cup into a paper bag, and standing on-line instead ...
Posted by Spectra on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 10:58:00 PST

Extreme Ironing.

Extreme Ironing...
Posted by Spectra on Fri, 04 May 2007 09:19:00 PST

Larry king live on 58th st.

I saw Larry King today walking down 58th street. He looks exactly like he does on tv. Which is to say that he looks as if you mixed what is left when you finish a thing of cheerios with one of those p...
Posted by Spectra on Tue, 01 May 2007 08:14:00 PST

I saw the leader of the free world today.

That's right. The presidential choptercade flew right over my head today as I ate lunch in central park. A little over the top if you ask me. In order to make a speech at a school in harlem, you and y...
Posted by Spectra on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 08:26:00 PST

Oh man.

Posted by Spectra on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 08:47:00 PST

New York Personal Bubble

Today I was witness to a full spectrum assault consisting of all manner of personal bubble intrusion methods. As I took my end-of-the-row seat on the V train, a small yellow purse lit upon my shoulder...
Posted by Spectra on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 08:34:00 PST

They did it again!

My local news radio station did it again.New york, we have a sunny 35º, new jersey sunny 35º, new delhi, a balmy 50º.Really. If you were headed to new delhi, it wouldn't even be the same day when you ...
Posted by Spectra on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 07:19:00 PST

I might kill you.

But the odds are against.
Posted by Spectra on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 03:43:00 PST