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lol Kelly now you wont have to ask me for the URL all the time :P


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Sydney pick a beach any beach! Bondi one of Sydneys most popular beaches 5 mins from city centre not my favourite though. Bondi Beach, Sydney Surf Beach Header Banner Made with! Click here to make your own!

My Blog

Why does a mum from Long Island stalk my page???

I guess cause eine asximi kai ziliara. She downloads pics from my page. from day one she is jealous about who i speak to. Tin petakse o andras tis kai kanei agorakia apw to domatio.
Posted by krystal on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 03:11:00 PST

Is exo really a male???

Noone has seen exos pic ever. I know eine xondros kai horror story. Den mou arese apw to start giati eine obnoxious kai milaei san gineka also eine sneaky. Giati exei pic apw gineka sto myspace page t...
Posted by krystal on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 03:50:00 PST