foto konnection profile picture

foto konnection

.....LAUGH.....LIVE......LOVE.....LIFE....>...>...> ...>...>...I'm Blessed

About Me

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||| 60%
Stability |||||||||||||| 70%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Accommodation |||||||||| 36%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||| 80%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Religious |||||| 30%
Hedonism |||| 16%
Materialism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 70%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 63%
Work ethic |||||||||||||| 86%
Self absorbed |||||||||||| 60%
Conflict seeking |||||| 23%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||||| 70%
Romantic |||||||||| 76%
Avoidant |||||| 30%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 43%
Wealth |||||||||||||||| 63%
Dependency |||||| 19%
Change averse |||||||||| 36%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||| 86%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||| 70%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||| 70%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||| 70%
Histrionic |||||| 23%
Paranoia |||||| 30%
Vanity |||||||||||||||| 70%
Hypersensitivity |||||| 30%
Female cliche |||||||||| 36%Welcome to my page, I'm outgoing, makes friends easily, optimistic, positive, social, high self control, traditional, assertive, rarely irritated, self revealing, open, finisher, high self concept, controlling, rarely worries, likes to stand out, does not like to be alone, semi neat freak, fearless, dominant, trusting, organized, resolute, strong, practical, craves attention, adventurous, hard working, respects authority, brutally honest, realist, and altruistic. Want to know anything else: leave a comment and by the way, thanks for stopping by.--***.....**......**......***......*** For the best coffee and tea in the far east; check out cafe ngoc tung, my family passions ......... Click on --cafe ngoc tung ---below ----in -----the ------friends -------area ---and check us out. ------------************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ****************HEY--THANKS--4- HANGIN'-- OUT-- HERE-******************************************************* ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **********************************************************)) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))************** what's on your mind? ************** ----- leave - a - comment ----- )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
thanks for the imprint

My Interests


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I'd like to meet:

Interesting, unique, sane , honest, talented, passionate, intelligent, confident, funny, selfless, laid-back, driven, ambitious, nonjudgmental, real. . . . Most of all YOU ;-P--------------------------------------------------------- -------so Talk to Me---------------------------------------------------------- --------- **Have a GREAT day ;-) * Love to hear from you *


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just me


**so this is where you are PLEASE ADD YOURSELF ---********************************************************* ************************************************************ *


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The world through my eyes