The Arcane Paradigm is a Sound Laboratory in a Natural Virgin Temple. A Neuronal noise platform with brain sonic chips installed in a global traveller soul. The spirit of the old instruments in symbiosis to find its way back to a present time. A poetic garden in your mind where sounds and words create a pure reality to walk in the deepest sense of freedom in the days that we live. We are now travelling from our days that mean the end of the natural processes to a new techno-biological era. We will walk many ways while we adapt our technologies, bodies and minds for a journey through the stars as a part to find out the answers that we were always looking for. We are in an eternal transformation. With enlightened visions we mutate from animal to human and we will from human to different kinds of bionic humanoids machines able to process very complex skills and thoughts. Maybe we must recollect all visions that survive in the time with us and represent something important and interesting for mankind or any other creature of this planet. Associating these events with sounds we represent the variety of the unlimited realities creating feelings and thoughts in volatile images that speak about our minds in the journey through the time in the Cosmos. A big collage of sounds opening visions. As we all know with sounds we are able to create realities inside realities and then feel the character of each expression creating many more possibilities enriching the knowledge of our senses.........The sea is the bridge between all men from different lands and cultures.Thousands of languages are mixed on its waters to be understood by everyone. On every coast a man looks ahead to the infinity of hope. If we both learn to sail, your thoughts will depart looking for mine and my opinion will dive to the bottom of the deep ocean searching for your attention.On the waters of reunion, the calm of wisdom, offers..Peace and Love.Hoy la ciudad esta cubierta de una lluvia dulce y sedosa, la gente se cubre y camina rapido con la mirada en sus pasos. En busca de los significados todos aparentan vivir sobre un cielo claro. Ãngeles caen del cielo pero nadie los esta esperando, su mensaje se pierde entre la indiferencia cotidiana. Hoy en mi largo caminar a través de la lluvia me asomo una vez más dentro de mi. Me sorprende verme a mi mismo de nuevo en la actuación mediocre de la vida. Simula tu carisma y apúntate al circo. Acrobacias imposibles te esperan amigo mio. Apaga tus inquietudes y déjate llevar y llevar. Mañana a cubierto en la lluvia, seguirás buscando la respuesta en tus pasos. Deja que las gotas cubran tu rostro y desempañen tu visión, liberando asi tu esencia verdadera.Iam a leaf of a big old tree. The current of a clear river takes me. Looking for the answer, I float across the agile waters and I dive deep. From the border, multiples lives look and judge my direction. What I felt from the tree I dident know about that attention. Only the pleasure of the adventure and the reunion with the sea are my purpose. Crystalline freedom.At night, the air brings to my room a far broadcast radio that gives light to my spirit. The walls surround me, but Iam already far from here. Your voice flies in search of love. Each melody of your mouth, seduces me to go inside of you. Take me with you to fly to every room where there is a soul that drifts free. Togueter, You and Me will liberate thousands more and the force will guide us every night through the things that this world can do.