Formé en 1999, Solid State réunit six musiciens qui forment le line up suivant basse, batterie, guitares, chant, et clavier, tous issus de la Côte d’Azur.
Leurs influences hard rock viennent directement des Etats-Unis avec des groupes comme Extreme, Bon Jovi, ou Offspring, comme on peut le constater à l’écoute de leur premier album « Deep side of the tube », lequel présente onze titres dans la pure tradition du rock US, gros son, grosses guitares et grosse production, le tout dans un esprit très fun.
La réunion des membres du groupe s’est faite comme très souvent au hasard des rencontres et du temps. Au départ, il était simplement question de faire de la musique et d’enregistrer un album pour se faire plaisir. Ne subissant aucune pression de la part du monde professionnel, les musiciens stimulés ont travaillé dans une ambiance détendue mais studieuse, ne se refusant aucune limite harmonique ou rythmique.
Le studio Solid Sound a pu saisir ces instants bruts de fougue musicale et capturer les élans conjugués d’amis musiciens animés d’une même envie, participant de concert à un projet commun.
Acheter l'album:
To buy "Deep side of the tube":
Founded in 1999, Solid State reunites six musicians forming the classic line up of bass, drums, guitars, voice, and keyboards - all of whom come from the French Riviera.
Their "hard rock" influences come directly from the U.S.,from such groups as Extreme, Bon Jovi, or Offspring, as one can gather in listening to their first album "Deep side of the tube", which offers eleven songs in the pure tradition of U.S. rock: a big sound, heavy guitars, and a large production. All in the spirit of "fun".
The members of the group came together as much by hazard as by timing. In the beginning there was only the need to make music and to record for the pleasure of recording. Without receiving any pressure from the professional world, these stimulated musicians worked in a relaxed but serious manner, without rhythmical or harmonic limitations. The Solid Sound Studio captured those rare instants of raw musical fugues amongst these inspired musicians and then joined them to work together on a common project.
Each group member offered, naturally, his own ideas on various songs, creating, complicitly, an interaction in the emulsion of their creativity. This musical effervescence united, little by little, these five individuals into a solid, well fused group, yielding the strong compositions you find on the album. This is how these musicians were able to be free with their imagination, spicing up their songs with a touch of West Indian exotism, or a flavor of Texas, never hesitating to employ the xylophone, or the ukelele, instruments you rarely find in hard rock. Each song on the album, "Deep side of the tube" is impregnated with this coherence and this positive energy, thus presenting an album that is 100% rock.
Extrait Concert acoustique "One Day"
Solid State est de retour en studio pour la pré-production du 2eme album! Les sessions d'enregistrement débuteront à l'automne 2007!!!
Solid State is back in studio to begin pre-production work for their 2nd album. Recording sessions to start in autumn 2007...
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