Getting Annialated, Partying,Shootin Up,Shows, Hoes,Smokin the good shit that grows, sleepin in till noon,Poppin Wheelies,sex without condems,Happy Hours, bird beer thats cheap cheap, target logos,bars with complimentary pretzels or popcorn,reading brail,boobzillas on birth control,taquerias with free chips and salsa,99 cent tall cans,snortin lines off random slutty mccuttie's flapjacks,taxi cab rides, and 24 hour drive thrus...and WHEN WE GOT SOME TIME, MAYBE WE WILL SELL SOME CLOTHES!
Donald Trump to ask him how he did it...Regis Phillman so I can punch him in the face...Britney Spears so I could give her things back...Jessica Alba so I could get over Britney...and all of Motley Crue, so we could shoot up alcohol into our viens, and do lines of yah off some sluttymcutties flapjack lookin titties.
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