GABRIELLE RENEE IRIS MARTIN joined the family Friday, August 29th, 2008. She was measured at 19 inches long and weighed 6 pounds and 2.1 ounces. She came into the world as easy as you please, astonishing the doctor (as she wasn't entirely prepped for the arrival) and let out a fierce cry when her throat was clear. I'm exhausted. That is all. -collapses-
Gabrielle came home on Saturday, August 30th, 2008. All are well and friend/neighbor Piper stayed over to handle, feed, change, etc little GRIM while all parents finally slept after three to four days of no sleep. Her eyes are open and absorbing everything. I wish you could see her..
Graduated Nueva Vista Necessary Small High School (Continuation, essentially) in the 90's, already pregnant with my only son and married to my ex.My son is an eleven year old with autistic spectrum and developmental delays. You may or may not see pictures of him here eventually.I am now happily married to John and CJ (two people at the top of my "friends" thinger) and have been for a while. I live in Sac, though I grew up in Concord, where my mother still lives.I'm an aspiring artist and active in artist support and copyright awareness. Avid reader. I believe in dual genders and I believe I am one. Eventually I may explain what that means, but anyone who's looking to do a search, try nadleehi, twinsoul, twospirit, and/or intergender.I spend much of my time working on digital art, goofing off on gaiaonline, and mailing back and forth with artists such as Les Toil, Anthony Guerra, Mark Yanko, Barbara Jensen, Deacon Black and others who love them.I am a nonspecific pagan, I do not identify fully as wiccan nor druid. I attend gatherings at Sacramento's Grove Of The Oak and volunteer when I can in our fundraising festivals and celebrations of our holidays. If you are interested in the place or in attending, go here: We're very open and accepting.To view my art, go to and click on "Deviation Gallery"