Whatever I'm into at the time. I have a low boredom threshold. I'm always into...my friends, my kids, painting, making, reeling and rithing.
OOH can i choose someone? ah heck, just interesting folk really. And everyone who's already my friend, of course.
Extemely Eclectic
Anything by Baz Lerhman...except not that wild about Moulin Rouge. Eraserhead, and most else by David Lynch. 5th element....my dear the costumes! and this..................
How to Seduce a Cowgirl
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Twin Peaks, of course. Big Brother. Most Haunted....this is a weird and stupid tv addiction. I will watch it for hours, just to catch a moment of table turning. I loathe that derek acorah
Life of Pi...can't remember author. Chroma by Derek Jarman. metric pattern cutting by Winifred Aldritch
The Dalai Lama....bless 'im