look at this
ed hardy
I am interested in ppl. Like as in meeting everyone.I also like to do crazy-at-spare-of-the-moment type things.I always say, [i]"Never take life too seriously. No one gets out alive anyways."[/i] I like to sing and write songs, but now a days who doesn't? I actually have the nickname Disney because people say I burst out randomly in song like a Disney movie. I tend to always be busy, being bored really isn't an option for me. I'm a country girl, who was destined for city lol.I still have a few country roots somewhere. I usually show up late everywhere or i'm extremely early. I write a bit and I make friends with just about everyone. Dressing up and going places is always fun for me and I say random things constantly. I bake when i'm stressed and i love entertaining people.My nationality is Spanish, French, Mexican, and Hawaiian. I love kids and animals, I guess I just like to take care of things lol. Oh and i'm definitely not a morning person! I am not one of those embrace the world and be thankful its a new day person. I'm a lets stay out all night and sleep till 2 pm the next day kinda person. So don't EVER try to wake me up. K thx! lol. I big on traveling. I looooove it and also I think that many people take this world's beauty for granted. Right now I'm going to college trying to get a BA in Mass Communications w/ an emphasis in public relations. Um I like every type of musical genre out there. I mean there is bands within those genres that I don't care for, but I still respect the artist's effort. I more of a movie girl that a television girl. I've seen so many movies! So many in fact that movies become predictible and i'll guess in the middle of the movie and accidentally ruin it for my friends and family lol. Also because I've seen so many I usually forget the plot of movies i just know that I've seen them hahahaha. Got to love Blockbuster!! Favorite movie type you ask? Comedies all the way cuz my favorite thing to do is laugh. I like to read. Yes i'm a dork lol. I like those sappy books and the ones about growing up and learning life lessons. What can I say I'm a sucker. On nice summer nights you can usually find me swinging in a hammock with a book in my hand. Now here I'm supposed to answer the hero question right? Hmmmm my hero..... such a hard thing for me to answer. There are so many great people in this world. We have peacemakers, doctors, caretakers, nannies, people who hold charities, the boy who helps a little old lady across the street, the people who buy their animals from the pound to save a life, organ donors, and so many more. So possibly you could be a hero. I guess that is it.
The one who can make me smile even though I don't want to
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