My heart is worn/ Six months without a kiss/ My heart is tired/ And you may not have it again/What if I met a girl/ With very fair eyes/ That made me want to run all night/ Into the night/What if I met someone/ With extremely fair eyes/ That made me want to leave/An offering of food and fruit/ On her doorstep/ In the very middle of the night/I had a dream in the very middle of the night/ That all of my teeth fell out/ At the same time/ They just sort of disengaged/This must mean that I am/ Holding hands with my own death/ But until this death/ I will search for you in the shadows of trees of blue
Two things: The first:/ I staggered when I saw you today/ Like I had never seen you/ Inside my eye you changed magnificently/Two things: The second:/ Your body was ready/ As you lay there you became smaller/ Even and you are small to begin with/The first:/ As I make it back to my seat/ I feast on glances in your direction/ As if I was hungry, I am not hungry/The second:/ I climb on top of you/ As if I was hungry; I am not hungry/ But your vulnerable form begs my hunger/The first:/ There is a perfect tunnel of light/ Between your eyes and what you see/ You study and I wish I was what you studied/The second:/ There is a perfection here/ A naked imperfection/ As I hunger for hunger/The first:/ Your home glows softly of your light/ Your car glows softly of your light/ And I glow softly of your departed light/The second:/ Your bed glows softly of your consent/ Your face glows softly of my face/ The entire earth glows slightly at the meeting of the two
ég dreg à land og bjarga þvà sjálfum mér aftur á bakkann. á heitan stein ég legg mig og læt mig þorna aftur. ég kasta mér út à hylinn og reyni að hala flugurnar inn áður en seiðin ná til þeirra þar sem þær berjast við strauminn og vatnið. gustur, allur rennblautur. frakkur finnur hvernig báturinn er kominn og mesta straumnum og landið smám saman nálgaðist. hann er bæði um borð à sjó og landi bjargandi flugunum sem farast hér. þó sér à lagi sjálfum sér. eilÃft strÃð og hvergi friður. en það verður einhver að fórna sér. dagarnir eru langir.
When my car/ Struck the other car/ Or something/ I died/And I ended up/ In the sky/ With black angels/ Or something/And you were there/ And we kissed/ It was as/ I imagined it would be/I closed my eyes/ And tumbled backwards/ Fluidly for a while/ And then I hit the ground/And broke my collarbone/ And some other bones/ And was generally/ Broken up/And you came down/ From the sky/ To minister to me/ But you said/You could not mend/ The broken bones/ So I held you brokenly/ And cried/Three months later/ I am whole again/ The ending/ Is the most important part
Sometimes I wish/ My phone would never ring/ I wish you would/ Never look at me/I am halfway out of the dark/ I can see it if I look back/ Maybe I should not be writing this/ Maybe I dont feel it at all/But it keeps pulling me along/ Revealing another line another perfect line/ It is time/ I stopped this and started perfectly/One day I will/ Stop these lines/ And wait until I have/ Perfect architecture/But for now I will/ Keep typing until/ It is over