The story begins in 1995, when Morphia was founded. Originally a death metal band, the music evolved over the years into a symphonic doom metal with gothic influences and is still evolving. After the successful "Poison Minded" demo in 1997, the debut-album "Unfulfilled Dreams" was released in 1999. This didn't go by unnoticed and Morphia got to play with various famous bands on venues and festivals throughout the Netherlands and Germany.
By the time the band was ready to record their second full length CD, the band had been signed by the indie label Fear Dark. Having label behind them, the in 2002 released "Frozen Dust" was spread over an larger group of enthusiasts and the band got to play on the label's own anual "Fear Dark Festival": a festival traveling through Europe like a small Ozzfest.
As the public interest for Morphia was increasing, so were there audiences and the list of tour data. The band got to play on several
festivals in the Netherlands and Germany and also on the 2004 edition of the Fear Dark Festival, giving the audience a preview of the upcoming album. Early in 2005 - ten years after being formed - that album was released as "Fading Beauty" , the third full length album in their discography.
But in ten years time, a lot has changed. The members had moved further apart, got busy jobs, family lives and the band agreed to take things at a slower pace in 2005. At the end of that year, some changes in the line-up were made and with renewed energy, the band hit the stages again in 2006 and played on the Fear Dark Festival again.
Currently, the band is working hard on the fourth full length album. The sound is still evolving and the album is surely going to blow your mind !
Morphia - When Silence Fell (live)
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Shot live at the Fear Dark Festival in Nordpark Aarau, Switzerland, May the 28th, 2006.
Eluveitie - Run to the Hills live with Royal Anguish and Morphia
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Shot live at the Fear Dark Festival in Nordpark Aarau, Switzerland, May the 28th, 2006.