das Fritsel profile picture

das Fritsel

I am here for Friends

About Me

hail...I'm a human who lives in the north of the Netherlands... I like music and specially unblack metal, folk metal, doom metal, sorrow metal ans some death metal... I'm born in Groningen and If always lived in Bedum, a small village in the north, but I wanna get out of there... almost everyone lives somewhere else...I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

shamgar, othar, eric clayton, steve row, tamara, niels, js, priscillah, netjuuuh, JH, hannesz and all the other tr00 people...
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acoustic torment, admonish, antestor, apocalyptica, arvinger, ashen mortality, blackmore's night, blood drift, borgazûr, burning feutus vomit, ceremonial sacred, children of bedum, coldplay, crimson moonlight, dark endless, deftones, demon hunter, demonic dismemberment, demoniciduth, divine symphony, docnargath, drottnar, duister maanlicht, elexorien, elgibbor, eluveitie, encryptor, engravor, enya, epica, era, eternal mystery, exhale, extol, family force 5, firethrone, flactorophia, frost like ashes, frosthardr, haggard, HB, heideroosjes, heidevolk, holy blood, horde, immortal souls, in vain, inevitable end, ira divina, kekal, killswitch engage, korpiklaani, lengsel, level, light shall prevail, megadeth, morphia, mortification, muse, mxpx, my dying bride, natan, nightwish, nile, organic matter, parakletos, paramaecium, pantokrator, pax 217, poems of shadows, queens of te stone age, rammstein, rapalje, requital, royal anguish, sacrificium, sanctifica, saviour machine, schaliach, scourged flesh, shadows of paragon, slechtvalk, soulfly, soul of the saviour, spinvis, sympathy, synnove, system of a down, taketh, the red hot chili peppers, the showdown, the sins of thy beloved, the spirrit that guides us, the white stripes, tortured conscience, thronar, vaakevandring, vaande, vardoger, verdelger, village people, virgin black, vomitorial corpulence, vomitous discharge, VIXIVI, wedding party, wintersun, within temptation (old), wrathful plague, zao


LOTR, Pirates of the Caribbean, Narnia, Eragon and other fantasy movies...


cartoons... the simpsons, south park, dexter, fairly odd parents, spongebob squarepants...


the holy bible! there is no other book like that...and dirk jan, donald duck, guust flater and some other comics...


Jesus Christ, king david and dirk jan :)

My Blog

het oude pad naar de eeuwige vernietiging...

langzaam dwaal ik rond over dit duistere pad, daar vlak bij het oude bos. wilde dieren schreeuwen hun angstkreten, bevroren in deze ijzige nacht, donkerder dan ware do...
Posted by das Fritsel on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 06:39:00 PST