Our demo "Undead Garden" is now for sale! Send an e-mail to: [email protected] to order it!
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Vuni (our album designer)BIOGRAPHYIn 2003-2004 Remco van Hoek (bass) got to know Jeroen van Elten (drums). The vibe was there and they decided to start a band together. In 2005 Remco met Aschwin, a guitarist and they decided to start Organic Matter and started writing some songs.In 2006 they found Ruben (screams). After a jamming session Ruben joined in. Soon after that they found their second guitarist, Chris. Writing songs was a lot easier and we puzzled some songs to perfection.There first gig was in the local windsurf club WSD Plane, where they played the house down. Aschwin left the band because of personal reasons and Organic matter had to find a new guitarist. After a while Cees, an explosive guitarist, joined the forces.
In April 2007 they rocked the house in the Baroeg (Rotterdam), which was a really good experience. After this, they wanted to record their first demo to get more gigs in the future. June 2007 the opportunity was there and they recorded Undead Garden in the Theaterschool Rotterdam.
The demo is now mixed, burnt and the cover has been printed and is ready to be sold.Keep it brutal and stay around once in a while, because they are working on some new cool material at the moment!!!
Cheers! Organic Matter