About Me
After 6 years of mixing, Maresh evolved from sounds like Kraftwerk, Tall Paul and others to modern techno sounds with all kinds of influences. Changing his birth town Brasov, to a bigger one like Cluj helped him to play at more important parties, becoming friend with more DJs, producers and other music lovers.As a DJ, Maresh was always found of the technical aspect, of the technology that could help him to manipulate the sound. He tried all the mixing ways available of that period, and search something that was suited for hi’s needs. Later, as technology evolved, is more and more into loops and effects, more into combining 2 or more tracks simultaneously, trying to define it’s own idea of mixing. Why to simply pass from one track to another now days, when you have so many new and different possibilities to mix. Why waste your time with beat matching, when in this time you can create and recreate a track, combine it with something else or search a hypnotic voice for instance. As he always said, because of the abundant and more accurate mixing technology now days, the modern DJ or if you want the digital DJ, when is making use off all this stuff, can be classified in a new category between the “Live act†and “Dj setâ€, and this will be “DJ actâ€. He’s DJ acts are more into monotone and hypnotic rhythms with dark minimal techno bass lines and wired sounds, going up and down, from a small BPM with euphoric and groovy sounds to more dark and aggressive beats. Till present, Maresh played in a lot of underground parties with DJs like Dilo, Katou but also warm-up for Timo Maas, Miss Kittin, Chriss Liebing and others.As a producer, Maresh tries to transpose all the ideas just mentioned into music. In this domain, it’s just at the beginning of a long road but earning more and more experience. A few tracks start to take shape under the name Maresh - deep and dark minimal techno sounds. Collaborations with Romanian producer Mihai Popoviciu, gave birth to a new project called Marshall Pop, a more groovy part of Maresh. Under this name a few tracks will conclude into an EP soon.Maresh also started in 2005 a brand in Romania called STEREOevents (www.stereoevents.ro) (www.myspace.com/stereoevents) together with Vlad Vancia,. Under the name of STEREO a lot of underground minimal techno parties were made in Romania, managing to attract more and more party people, and also some very good new underground dj’s like Thommy (www.myspace.com/thommystereoevents), Radum (www.myspace.com/radumatei) or Bodgan (www.myspace.com/conceptchild). All the collaborations with foreign DJ’s and producers that STEREO managed to achieve till now will conclude in more new and bigger events in the future!I edited my profile with my mouse and my own hand V4.4_ Me @ Electrees 2007 - Iasi_ Again me @ Electrees 2007 - Iasi