Ask Katy - the Book! profile picture

Ask Katy - the Book!

Ask Katy - the Book - coming soon!

About Me

If you have a QUESTION for Katy, please continue to use the ASK KATY page on Unfortunately, we can't answer queries thru myspace because it's getting too confusing!
This myspace page is an informational page for the upcoming book by Duran Duran and Katy. The Best of Ask Katy will be coming to soon so watch this space!
Be sure to check out Duran Duran's Myspace page at
70 million records, 100s of 1000's of fans and 1 person who's got the answers...
WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN? The Best of Duran Duran's Ask Katy
“I noticed on last night’s Set List there was a song called “Encore.” Is that a new song? I’ve never heard it before.”
“If Duran Duran's next video contained a highly choreographed dance number in the same vein as the Backstreet Boys, which one of our boys would have the most trouble?”
“Hey Simon, I was wondering how much money I would have to pay you to record my own personal copy of you singing In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly? Just wondering. OH and thanks for the memories and such”.
There is something timeless about writing a fan letter, as tried and true as any ritual of fandom. Maybe you’d get a form letter back thanking you for your interest or if you were lucky, a signed photo.
With the launch of their official website in 1997, Duran Duran – pioneers with infusing music, art, fashion and technology – took the concept one step further. They entrusted an employee to field questions sent via the internet and pass them along for a direct answer from a band member. Thus ASK KATY was born, and quickly became the most popular portion of the band’s website, which averages 15 million hits a month.
10 years later, the band brings you WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN? The Best of Duran Duran’s Ask Katy. Culled from thousands of questions, the book highlights the best, the craziest and the most creative questions the dedicated and devoted fans of Duran Duran have sent in over the years, with thoughtful – and often funny - answers from band members Simon LeBon, Nick Rhodes, John Taylor and Roger Taylor.
WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN? The Best of Duran Duran's Ask Katy is a delightful bite of pop culture. In the spirit of BAR MITZVAH DISCO, this collection of fan letters to Duran Duran lets the reader in on the touching, mortifying and laugh-out-loud world of celebrity fan mail. And in the process gives you some insight in to the personalities of Roger, John, Nick and Simon. This book will be available for purchase on ....soon!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All of youse


Duran Duran of course


Duran Duran: Live from London


MTV, VH1, Who's the Boss


Ask Katy - the book (coming soon)


Simon, Nick, John and Roger

My Blog

i think we’re getting closer...

"When I want to find a ridiculous fact about myself, I look at Ask Katy. If I want to know what I ate for breakfast, I Ask Katy. If I want to have a good laugh, I read Ask Katy. Ask Katy is the plac...
Posted by Ask Katy - the Book! on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 03:12:00 PST

The Wedding Blog

So it's another photo of Simon and me.Well, he gave the toast.Which was more of a "roast"Never give a lead singer a microphone  6 minutes and 27 seconds later, I went through a bunch of emotions (emb...
Posted by Ask Katy - the Book! on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 09:06:00 PST

Doesnt Have to be Serious....

Me and Simon. Simon and me. I’ve mentioned he is like a brother, and that’s only become truer in recent months. He makes me laugh. And he is so so sweet, which is a side I am privileged to...
Posted by Ask Katy - the Book! on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 11:52:00 PST

Roger and me

I've said it before, and I will say it again  I thought what many of you all thought:ShyQuietIntrovertedNon communicativeAnd boy...was I wrong.Roger was the biggest surprise to me. In fact, he and I ...
Posted by Ask Katy - the Book! on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 01:56:00 PST

Johnny T

You know how they say it's hard to look at yourself on camera? I don't know WHO says it, (I am sure someone does), but that's sort of how I feel about this. Maybe not my best ever look, to be honest....
Posted by Ask Katy - the Book! on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 03:11:00 PST

A Deer in the Head Lights

I know I did not blog this month. I am reserving my strength and energy for next month, when the band kick off promotion for RED CARPET MASSACRE and I begin living on Red Bull.The band had this idea (...
Posted by Ask Katy - the Book! on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 01:53:00 PST

July Diary - a Trip to London

Every once in awhile, I get to do something really incredible, like go to a huge event the band are performing at. This is one of those "whiles." I was actually supposed to come for both The Concert f...
Posted by Ask Katy - the Book! on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 01:05:00 PST


Well I figured as long as I am with the guys, the June Blog can be a diary. I have not kept a diary in a super long time, so bear with me....JUNE 13The band are coming in tomorrow. This actually requi...
Posted by Ask Katy - the Book! on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 07:59:00 PST

The Beginning

So in suggested blog topics, many said  how about explaining how you started working for Duran Duran.I can do that!A long time ago, like longer than I want to admit cos then I'd be old - ok, 11 year...
Posted by Ask Katy - the Book! on Fri, 11 May 2007 08:25:00 PST

April Showers Bring....A Blog

I am trying to think of things to blog about  anyone want to make a suggestion? It's a down time for me and the band. They are working, I am working, but nothing so earth shattering or exciting that ...
Posted by Ask Katy - the Book! on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 08:47:00 PST