Rock N Roll, Curing Cystic Fibrosis, NOT SMOKING!
*********ATTENTION DETROIT AREA ROCK AND ROLL BANDS*********** Here is your chance to get your band on the bill for the 5th Annual Just Let Me Breathe concert benefitting the Rock CF Foundation! We are calling all Detroit rock and roll bands that want to help find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis while playing to a huge crowd of beautiful people on a premier music stage, the Royal Oak Music Theatre.If you want your band to play the benefit here's what you have to do. Email VOTE @LETSROCKCF.ORG. Include your bands name in the title and a little bit about ya'll inside. The first 20 bands that I recieve an email from will be in the competition.YOUR job is to have your loyal fans email [email protected] as much as they can to help you get on the bill...Fans only need to include the bands name in each Subject line. No messages inside because those messages will not be read. Only 1 vote will be counter per email.How it works:- Band submissions will begin NOW and end on Halloween or until the 20 slots are filled. - Initial voting will start on November 1st and end on November 14 - The 5 bands with the most votes will continue on and will be in the final running and voting will resume November 15. - ALL voting will end December 1st. - On December 2nd the band with the most votes will be announced and officially added to the Just Let Me Breathe '08 bill.**Before you sign up for this make sure you will be available to play Saturday March 15 at the Royal Oak Music Theatre. This is a benefit so you will not recieve any money BUT what you get out of this show is pretty amazing..just ask The Muggs, Alex Winston, Grande Nationals, South Normal, Stolen Liberty, Shipwreck Union and of course Hellen. They know because they have all played the show. We are expecting 1,000 people at this years ALL AGES rock n roll extraveganza!For more information visit or Spread the word...get your submissions in, start promoting now. Voting begins in 18 days! Rock CF!!!!
Hellen, South Normal, Shipwreck Union, The Muggs, The Hard Lessons, Vigilante Sidekicks, Wolfbait, Overloaded, Hotness, Grande Nationals, The Paybacks, Dirty Americans, Bulldog, The Vamps, Gore Gore Girls, Whitey Morgan, Novada, Sponge, Broadzilla, Stolen Liberty, Alex Winston and all the hard working Detroit Rock N Roll bands!,
Alex: Life of a Child, A Little Love Story
Everyone living with Cystic Fibrosis that holds thier heads up high and is willing to fight!