Talking to my girls and my grandson as often as possible. I miss them SO much since moving here to SD. Sharing my life with my HUSBAND. Running my video store here on the rez and making new friends.I REALLY like going to Pow Wows, rummage sales, and second hand stores.....and road trips to Texas to see my family.
All of my ancestors both Native American and not.
I love Classic Rock, Southern Rock and Native American Pow wow music. I just about will give any kind of music a try....and if I don't like it, I'll tell ya.
The scarier the movie, the better I like it. I think my all time favorites have been any and all of the HellRaiser movies. Pin Head Rules!!
All CSI's, Forensic Files, Cold Case Files, that kind of stuff...
King & Koontz rule!!! I like true crime and mysteries WITHOUT the stupid romance crap. I like my books to be the way I like bullshit. I get enough of that from the US Government.
My girls for making it this far inspite of everything they've been thru.. I love you Angel and Ashly!!! My grandson Weston....he has my heart. My little granddaughter Adison Rae who made her debut into this world in March!!!WooHoo!!