Music, music and music. Art, all types and styles. DIY record labels, bands, zines, being creative, cats, football...go the Hammers!
Creative people, music lovers...the more underground and DIY the better, zine makers.
Any bands who want to send a demo/release for review in Vanity Project get in touch and I'll give you an address...anything from metal to indie and all stops inbetween.
So much good stuff out there.TURBONEGRO, FUNDAMENTAL, ^^THE EXITS^^, *RUSTY SHERIFF*, The lovely ORG/ORGAN folks and their many bands. WEAPONS OF MASS BELIEF, Bauhaus, Gaye Bykers On Acid, Trash Money, Pop Will Eat Itself, LUCIFER STAR MACHINE, Crazyhead, Sisters Of Mercy, Crass, Rubella Ballet, Sex Gang Children, My Ruin, Siouxsie, Pornorphans, LOOP GURU, SLIPPER, Transglobal Underground, Natacha Atlas, Virgin Prunes, Melys, Damn13, Bonemachine, SWETBOX, KCUF, Aconite Thrill, Ninja Massacre, Qhixldekx, Queen Adreena, Living With Eating Disorders...I'll come back and add more! LIV, Cinder, Duri, Little London, You're Smiling Now But We'll All Turn Into Demons, The Cult, The March Violets, The Kills, DTX (Dog Toffee)....
Discharge, GBH, Psychic TV, The Batfish Boys, ADF, The Kills, THE GOOD TIME CHARLIES, Kyuss, The Cult, Thee Moths, Trilemma, Everything Must Go, Killing Joke....Fields Of The Nephilim, Cranes, Colt, Cardboard Dead Boy, Motorhead...Jesus & Marychain, Gary Numan, Pornovurt..Dragon Eye Morrison, Druul,
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Not a big movie buff...I enjoyed Trainspotting, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, old black & white horror movies.
Karma Clowns Book 1 by Lucas Wellington
More people I admire: Patrick Heron, Rothko, Monet (Painters); Bobby Moore, Trevor Brooking, Julian Dicks (Footballers), CRASS, Bauhaus, Virgin Prunes, Sam Dodson of Loop Guru/Slipper, Sean ORGAN (all music types!), my lovely wife and daughter for putting up with me. Sure there will be more added over time....