It's my birthday.... |
Well Friday night was the night of celebration. Went to a local lounge and started the process of intoxication. My friend Phaedra was spinning some jackin house, I was drinkin Jack n Coke.Left there f... Posted by Brian on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 09:52:00 PST |
Whats the new year have in store for me? |
Well, its a little late in the "NEW YEARS" posts, but what the hell.Life is ok so far this year. I have been snowboarding alot, getting exercise!Well, not so much last week. I went on a school trip wi... Posted by Brian on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 09:06:00 PST |
Update on the body.... |
Well after almost $600.00 spend on getting my body back in order, I have been feeling pretty good.The occasional little twinge of pain here n there. Like sharp pains in my neck a few in my upper back,... Posted by Brian on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 02:49:00 PST |
Weeeeellllllll CRAP. |
For the last week I have been in the most pain I have experienced since i was 11.My back went out. BIG TIME... So far I have spent close to $275 on chiro, massage and acupuncture. Its insane. Its slow... Posted by Brian on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 10:11:00 PST |
The LOOOOONG weekend.... |
WOW, what a past few weeks....Let me go back a few weeks to catch you (all) up..WORK::It's been hit n miss. That is between being bored out of my mind and actually having something to do. Most of the ... Posted by Brian on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 11:02:00 PST |
last thoughts of the day |
Here we go.... 9 minutes til the end of the day.So!.Today, had a dentist appointment , got a new crown for one of my back teeth. I had cracked it somehow... hmm...JAWBREAKER MUCH.Wasn't that bad, it s... Posted by Brian on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 05:02:00 PST |
THE most frightening night ever. |
Last night I had one of the most frightening dreams ever. I was completely asleep and then awaken by a voice. I looked to the end of the bed and saw a man standing there, dark skin'd, dark eyebrows, w... Posted by Brian on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 12:47:00 PST |
well, well, well... |
funny how things can change from day to communications manager came into my office all excited about a picture of our award that we designed together. well rightly so, its kick ass!!!she also m... Posted by Brian on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 03:17:00 PST |
life in the NOT GOING ANYWHERE lane |
I have no idea what is happening these days... everything is flat, boring... no excitement anywhere.Work is ok, but not really happening for me. I keep banging heads with my communications manager. Sh... Posted by Brian on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 09:46:00 PST |
Exercise and all its wonderful forms..... |
Holy crap. Life is good right now.Friday night I stayed home, that whole "safe your money" thING. Saturday morning was supposed to go for a rollerblade around stanley park with my friend Shelly, but s... Posted by Brian on Mon, 22 May 2006 03:54:00 PST |