It always starts the same way. One planet... two men... two distinct talents. All you have to do is wait for the vinyls and needles to align.The Duo Deejays emerged from a path of convergent evolution in which their unique talents dove tailed at a point of euphoric bliss. ThatGuy rebelled from his classically trained music background. WingMan's addiction to rhythym and rejection of moderate beats lead him to seek enlightened sound.From their inception, not a club has stood still. WingMan and ThatGuy bring their distinct styles of music to carefully craft a mixture of Tech-Funky house and adrenaline pumping Euphoric-Miami trance that keeps electro lovers on the dance floor for hours. Performing at numerous clubs and private parties around Southern California every weekend – Duo
Deejays just want to make you dance.We Spin.You move.
Duo Deejays -
Majestic Tracklist