four walls black is rock and roll
Band determined to bring rock back to its roots
Hailing from Portsmouth, Virginia, Four Walls Black burst onto the national underground rock scene in 2004 with a mixture of hard-hitting modern rock and a grunge-inspired artistry from the early '90s alternative revolution.
Founded by high school alums, with a name pulled from a Henry Rollins song lyric, Four Walls Black brought their own brand of radio-friendly angst to the table, one enjoyed by catchy-hook-pop-types and metal-heads alike. The music, which favors the underground sound of the Lollapalooza generation, blends fractions of Nirvana and shades of Faith No More with their own obsessive rage.
The bands resurrection of the Seattle sound is fairly obvious, however it is hardly the driving force. By striking a balance between raw post-punk aggression and long romantic walks on the beach, Four Walls Black often draws parallels to hard-rockers Bush and Foo Fighters.
With songs about school shootings, religion and drug-induced paranoia, the band utilizes many points of view to illustrate difficult, emotional, and often controversial issues that affect everyday people. Such lyrical inspiration is based mainly on popular culture, by stories that are compelling and real such as the story of Patty Hearst and the SLA, which is reflected in the song Galvanized, one of the signature tracks on their first release.
The band is pioneering a trend to break the monotony of here-today gone-tomorrow radio trends to provide listeners with a better choice. Rock. And Roll. (Remember this?) An alternative to the industry fads, Four Walls Black is rock n roll; the part that will never die.
booking, contact Les Moseley (757) 676-3325. For more information, including
gig dates, news updates, merchandise, photos, etc., please visit the band's website at
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