There are many things in this world that I'm interested in, things I love to do. I enjoy crossing demonstration lines at abortion clinics just to get the pro-lifers all worked up. Next time I go, I think I'll bring my own red paint and throw it on them. I like to randomly super-glue quarters onto the sidewalk outside my windows so I can watch people try to pick them up. I also enjoy spending time alone. I've found that it takes extreme personal strength to do things alone. I go out to eat alone, I go to the movies alone, and sometimes I even have sex alone.~The best part of remaining friends with an ex is that you can say all of the things you thought out of line when you were together, then you can go home and cry about it.~
People with tails, conjoined twins, any midget or dwarf, and am currently looking to bring a hermaphrodite into my social circle.
~~~~Victorian Slang? Guess I need to lay off the Dickens.
Your Slanguage Profile
Aussie Slang: 75%
New England Slang: 75%
Victorian Slang: 75%
Prison Slang: 50%
British Slang: 25%
Canadian Slang: 25%
What Slanguage Do You Speak?Resumé~~~Razors pain you; Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful; Nooses give;
Gas smells awful; You might as well live.~~~
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I like what I like. I love Joan Jett and most other bands of the Grrrl Rock and Punk genres. I also have a soft spot for Paul Simon. Folk music soothes me.
My all time favorite is, of course, Breakfast at Tiffany's. I also like Pulp Fiction, Amelie, Dan In Real Life, Little Miss Sunshine, Finger Smith, I could go on but I wont.
The Office. I love The Office. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Ghost Hunters (I have a bizarre, straight-crush on Steve Gonsalves.), and that's about it.
I'll read just about anything. Even cereal boxes. Shit, ESPECIALLY cereal boxes. I read a book recently called Look At the Harlequins! by Vladimir Nabokov. It was pretty fucking good, also a tad disturbing.
The guy who invented cheesecake.