Mindy, Photography, Star Wars, Taoism, Eris Esoteric
Industrial, Synthpop, New Wave, Freestyle, House, Electro, etc.
Evil Dead 1/2/3, The White Room, Lifeforce, Bladerunner, Fifth Element, Mad Max, Road Warrior, Star Wars, The Last Starfighter, Enemy Mine, Strange Days, 2001, Dune, Fist of Legend
Star Trek TOS/TNG/Voyager, Knight Rider, Airwolf, Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who, Stargate SG-1, V, Carl Sagan's Cosmos, Buffy, Angel, A-Team, Red Dwarf, The Young Ones, Andromeda
Robert Anton Wilson, Tao Te Ching, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Enders Game, James Joyce, Arthur C. Clarke, Frank Herbert, Joseph Campbell
Rockman Rock and King Boy D