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About the name Anduine(the blind) (pron. AHR-dehn, AHR-dawnt, AHN-dras, OON-ee, OOH-naw, OO-na, OOAN-in) Gaulish goddess of the moon, earth, dúile: elements, death aspect of silence, hunting, and forests worshipped in Gallia and Berne. She lives at the Isle of A-Rinn: Isle of the Peaks and can take the form of a green shadow with green fire in her eyes moving through oak forests. Her people are the green spirit life of trees: pale green as the leaves of the lime, tall, lithe and graceful, with radiant eyes, and delicate earth-brown hair crowned by pale flowers. Her symbol is the white moon-flower. She is the sovereignty of Argyll. She has 17 sons, is Queen of all the Faeries of Ireland, and wife of Fionnbhar. She rules Tir-uaine: The Green Land. She lives at Ess Ruaidh: Red Cataract Lake, is the musician of the Land of Promise.

Well we will see what you are willing to find out about me. Here just a few details

I have a son, Robert alias Cyan, and the habit of adopting people. Like MJ, Marja, Isabel, sans, Ada and Bengel to name just a few. And I'm dearly devoted to them, as to my friends.

Cyan and I are BIG Apocalyptica fans and helped Katariina in the foundation of Apoland, along with my dear friend Jane. But my taste in music ranges into many areas and mainly depends on my mood.

I'm a bookworm. There is not much I don't read, but my favorites are historical novels, fantasy, crime and poetry.

I also like to write my own stories/poems and enjoy good movies.

My Interests

Apoland :-) have a look at

Reading, writing, traveling (if I have the money)

Finnish Holiday Impressions

I'd like to meet:

Viggo and TJ

again...Delain :-)

Delain - The Gathering
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And Alan Rickman - in my eyes the best actor on the planet.

Alan Rickman and Love
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Other then those three? Lots of new and interesting people.Because...


Apocalyptica, Blind Guardian, Robbie Williams, Queen and Opera and many more, depends on the mood.

I know this is not in my usual line of music...but she's great anyway!!! So here's to you, my dear!

'Dream' video by Astrella Celeste

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Fellowship of the Ring - The Lord of the Rings - Blind Guardian

Add to My Profile | More Videos To Kill a Mockingbird, Hidalgo, Lawrence of Arabia, Indian Runner, History of Violence, A Perfect Murder, all of Alan Rickman's movies (my Nr 1 is "Something the Lord Made"), most of Johnny Depp's (especially POTC)and many, many more to come.


CSI - I'm addicted, The Closer, Cold Case, Criminal Intend.

And of course I just can't keep my eyes off this guy. Just love that smile!

Gimme Some Lovin

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The Hobbit, LOTR, Tolkien Bestiary, Lost Tales, Dragonlance, Otherland, Historical Novels, Crime, also the classics, like Dickens,Shakespeare, Jane Austen or Fontane actually everything that is well written. We have about 2000 books at home.

VERY special, but I think available only in German is the LOTR Hörspiel(not your regular Audio book, but an actual roleplay adopted for the radio.


lotr hero's

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Raistlin Majere - my immortal - I'd marry that guy in another dimension :-)

young Raistlin

My Blog

Apo M&G in Hamburg

Ok dears, here is the promised M&G report from my point of view. If anybody of the other participents has sthg to add or to correct, please feel free to do so.To discribe it in one word : fantasti...
Posted by Anduine on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 11:16:00 PST

A Fin(n)ish(ed) Holiday

Day 1Anduine, aka Queen Mum(my) by her kids, leaves Snorien to take the train to Hamburg, to meet with Ines aka Bengel.She's a bit annoyed when the train does not arrive on the right track, but friend...
Posted by Anduine on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 09:16:00 PST

The Pain of Life

I have often been asked, why I use up  so much of my time for my "adopted" kids, family and friends. Read this carefully until the end. It might answer all the questions you ever had about it. Lo...
Posted by Anduine on Sun, 06 May 2007 02:03:00 PST

Something to share

This has always been my fav. sonnet. Thought I share it with youSonnet 29 "When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes" When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, &n...
Posted by Anduine on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 10:20:00 PST


May you see light on the path ahead When the road you walk is dark. May you always hear, Even in your hour of sorrow, The gentle singing of the lark. When times are hard may hardness Never turn your h...
Posted by Anduine on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:03:00 PST