My real name is Kal-El[Hebrew for 'all that God is']. I was born on planet Krypton with my mother and father. My fathers name is Jor'el and my mothers name is Lara. My parents were tragically killed when Krypton exploded. When it exploded I went to live on Earth and Eben and Sarah Kent found me on their farm. They saved me and Sarah Kent made me my first costume which was made out of the baby blanket I was wrapped in as a child.
I worked as a reporter for 'The Daily Planet'. Here is a list of my power's...
-super strenght
-super hearing
-xray vision
-telescopic vision
-microscopic vision
-super breath
-the ability to split myself into 2 functioning entitles
-ability to will myself through solids
-ventriloquist[can through his my]
-levitate people
-and of course, to fly!