I drink a lot of water. Too much, I think.
I am a Scorpio and am very passionate about the romance I want to pursue.
I work-out and run listening to hip-hop, dance, and Euro-house music.
I prefer to sleep with classical or jazz.
I enjoy a good political and intellectual debate on how to save the world. I also like to get involved.
I can do this freaky thing with my toes called “The Grip”.
I do not consider myself as a perfectionist nor an over-achiever, but I excel in the causes that I believe are important.
I like to read, write, contemplate, deliberate, collaborate, and just plain sleep.
I like Green Tea but prefer White Tea, which has better antioxidants.
I can’t juggle worth a damn but I can twirl my pen with both hands without looking.
I love staying in hotel rooms and sleeping with big fluffy pillows. It's probably because I grew up in them.
I am not motivated by fortune and property but rather by ideals and causes.
I require myself to do one random act of kindness every Friday. That’s why I call them Good Fridays.
I describe myself as an exceptional person, who embraces adversity.
I have a weakness for dark chocolate. And a good bottle of Shiraz .
I eat healthy most of the time but my favorite fatty food is fried chicken.
I like to drive fast and 6 gears would be really nice. But, I also want to drive a car that runs on Ethanol.
I had a black pug. She died. I cried. Now, I want a Wiemaraner puppy.
I believe that Chivalry is not dead. It just takes a nap sometimes.
I believe in noblesse oblige.
I like wearing my favorite jeans, the original Levi’s 501s.
I once knew how to play the guitar and the sax.
I think that the best room in the house is the kitchen.
I always thought of myself as a modern-day “Sydney Carton” from Charles Dicken's A Tale of Two Cities .
I've been described by friends as the nicest person people would want to meet.
I like turtles and alligators. I decided to have them as my ‘mascots’.
I don’t like clutter.
I want to be a United States Attorney.
I would like to help preserve, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution.
I am a staunch defender of the Catholic faith, but I think pedophile priests should go to jail.
I abhor human trafficking, the new form of slavery. It transcends age, gender, race, culture, and geography. It's all about sexual and economic exploitation and it has to stop. Now.
I can read and write Latin. Ancaro imparo .
I run marathons and races. Because of the medals.
I climb mountains, too. But, not lately.
I like to serve humanity and to give back. And it gives me back even more.
I have my own non-profit private foundation called philanthropyOne . Please ask me about it, if you want to help me out.
I have always believed that with freedom comes responsibility. It’s never really free.
I had pen-pals from all over the world when I was little and I still keep them now. They make me feel extra loved.
I've been to a Playboy party. Yes, really.
I own stock in Playboy Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE: PLA)
I was once a qualified “Rifle Marksman”.
I still know how to play with an M16A2 5.56mm Semiautomatic Rifle. But, I would rather play with the M4A1 Carbine instead.
I had my 21-run when I was 15. I don’t drink too much anymore.
I once broke into a foreign embassy for an important mission in a foreign country. I never got caught and the mission was accomplished. I was close to being persona non grata .
I always wonder about Jim from Boston . He was my partner during that mission and I lost track of him. I hope he's doing okay.
I am related to one of the founding fathers of Asia 's first democracy. He was my great-grandfather and he helped build the First Philippine Republic (La Republica Filipinas) in 1899. I can read about him in history books.
You can also read about him, too.
I am also related to the guy that started the The New Republic magazine and I am a subscriber.
I am a product of colonialism, one of the last of a dying breed.
I have the same birthday as Mickey Mouse, which is on November 18. Maybe Minnie will give me a kiss someday too.
I was an accomplished artist in high school and had my work catalogued and exhibited.
I can't draw anything anymore. So, please don't ask me to draw.
I met the great architect, Santiago Calatrava . We talked about bull-fighting as an art form.
I miss those times when I was a kid reading a book under a tree on a nice summer day.
I really enjoyed my first classic novel, George Orwell’s Animal Farm. I read it when I was 9. Since then, I knew I wanted to study government and politics.
I sing in the shower or when driving alone.
I hate eating alone.
I have a rubber ducky named “Rachel”. It was given to me as a gift.
I want to win the lottery so I can afford to raise an expedition to the bottom of the world. I want to climb the Mount Vinson Massif , in Antarctica .
I also want to open a restaurant someday called Scorpio Grill. After 11 p.m. on the weekends, it turns into Club Sting.
I prefer my breakfast cereal with soy milk and the occasional banana.
I have a dream of living in a historic colonial home. I would have a red front door with “Old Glory” flying on the side.
I support historic preservation. I have no idea why, I just do. Or maybe the ghosts made me do it.
I really do know what it means to miss New Orleans .
I left a part of my soul there.
I will always be haunted by her charm, grace, history, hospitality, flavor, and spirit. It broke my heart when the Storm came!