ugghhhhhh!!!! goin hard from the paint to the baseline!!!! shouts to my nig 8ball for hookin ya boi up wit the graphic... 916 or nuthin!!!!!
music is an art form n a beautiful form of expression... get ya mind rite kuz music can change moods n perceptions
Killa Kaliber is a young up and coming hustler from tha Ea$tern neighborhoods of the $acramento, commonly referred to as "Tha Cho". While he was raised all over $acramento and a few outlying states the years he spent "growing up" all came within the low income streets of Rancho Cordova. He hails from "tHa BlOkK", also known as We$t La Loma, better known as the "HuNnEd$". He is the General of a small group of childhood friends who call themselves the Chedda Hungry Outlawz. They all come from diffrent neighborhoods in "Tha Cho" as well as lifestyles. This group of men have all seen the in's and out's of the street life as well as getting their legit hustle on. While in the mix with street gangs such as ESP (Ea$t$ide Piru), VES (Vario Ea$t $ide), and a few other "gang banging" cliques, they do not fly a red or blue flag. The chosen representative color for the Outlawz is green. The mode of thinking is getting money, regardless of who or how you can come up, just do it. Killa Kaliber himself has associates on both sides of the rags, Bloods & Crips, as well as a large affiliation with Nortenos. He chooses not to be gang affiliated himself because he can not see turning down business networking possibilities simply because someone is from another neighborhood. All this being said, money is motivation and with it comes power but also drama. The Outlawz refrain from wrong turns & dead ends so those looking to steer them wrong, youve come to the wrong place. $tay up, $tay hungry is their motto, they live by it, theyll die by it....
Ayyyyyy!!!! whats good folks?!?!?!?!? this iz ya northern killafornian representative Killa Kaliber!!! ya boi has been workin hard tryna stay up n outta the belly of tha beast... got sum folks in there fightin cases as we speak so shouts to them first n foremost... so yall r prolly xpectin a lil piece of me... well im a 20 year old go getter lookin to get paid for what im worth... ive done most every thing that can be done in this world that a 20 yr old man can do... ive been on both sides of life and law... done sold "medicines" off and on, kicked outta schools but finally graduated, worked and not worked, hustled and been broke as fuck, been thru the juvenile system n foster system, lived in 6 br houses to one bedroom apts with roaches, been to the east coast and back a few times.... done the party/club scene n done the slow life.... so in short ive probly been where youve been n my music reflects that... if ur lookin for the next 50 cent or jay z miss me... u mite as well take ur 10-15 dollaz n go buy someone elses shit... im me n only me... my music is all situations,trials. and tribulations... its either stuff im doin, done, or wud do if the situation arose... im not no gangsta rapper, n i dont gang bang so dont get the message confused... i am about money!!!! all day long 365 days a year till my heart stops... gettin it n flippin it is all that matters.... when i make it in this rap game ill be able to leave the game alone n still ball outta control kuz ive been thru many walks of life legit n illegal so i know where profits lay at... im lookin to start my own label as soon as this pre lim shit pop off kuz bein an artist u gettin played by the record co... i wanna have my hand in every aspect of my bizness so if labels are lookin at this thinkin of signing turn tha other way if ur not guaranteeing creative control.... to wrap this up im out to get paid n see my niggaz prosper one way or another, im a koo kat jus lookin to party n have a good time but u try n play me or my money n i can b that nigga that u dont wanna see, always lookin to cross into uncharted territories so u lookin to collab or got bizness prospects holla at ya boi!!!! Fellaz: im here to do bizness, network, and get this money train rollin so if u aint hittin me to show some love or direct me to funding then keep it movin kuz i love to have haterz but cant waste my time on em kuz time is money n money is motivation.... ladiez: i feel ur love n appreciate it keep sendin tha love but kno im a real nigga so the messages and pix dont do no good kuz i gotta stay focused... u wanna show ur support leave a comment, download or add my song to ur page, add ur folks, repost my bulletins, but watever u do jus keep it all tha way real!!!!$tay up $tay hungry"HuNnEd$!!!!!!".KK
Killa Kaliber