Ich heisse superfantastische!
To dissipate all knowledge of the original Archduke and to make girls dance, Richard Bacon.
Ron and Russel Mael, Gavrilo Princip, Lisa Riley, Alexei Sayle, Tony Benn, the kids, Terry Wogan, normal people.
Eno, Roxy Music, Sparks, Simon Bookish, Bowie, Fiery Furnaces, Sons and Daughters, Monochrome Set, Talking Heads, Felix Kubin, Josef K
Kes, Dr Mabuse the Gambler
The World at War, The 1900 House, How We Used to Live, The Sopranos
All Quiet On The Orient Express, La Bete Humane, Bel Ami, The Master and Margarita, The Ministry Of Fear, The Naked Civil Servant, Wreckers of Civilisation