Big Dave profile picture

Big Dave

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am 6 foot eleven.. And I run a nightclub called SPACE and I also put on full on Psychedelic trance parties under my production company Phat Productions ( did I get here I have no idea.. it all started with a festival experience in Spain which resulted in the purchasing the most ridiculously amazing soundsystem in the world, an Opus rig. With that UK style underground music, we are now we are banging it out in little old Auckland.. putting on propa uk style 'having it' trance parties.. and lovin it!Am into all things psychedelic, and have ended up running a nightclub to pay for my Opus - but its SOOO worth it (we get to do Trance parties whenever we feel like it!)So, thats me and after a rocky start in the trance promotion land (as we all know) things are startign to look up.. and after the last one, our parties are finally very much definitely HAVING IT!Keep up the good work!

My Interests

Music - Psychedelic Trance Audio engineering / Sound Opus Audio Soundsystems All things psychedelic

I'd like to meet:

Lots of cool people who are into getting on it and having more fun than you can shake a stick at. Alsp (as well :-)) DJs and artists who play decne tunderground uplifting and having it psytrance (READ WILDTHING RECORDS) who may be up for comign to NZ to play at some parties!


Psychedelic Trance - Phat Productions Style


Hmm.. flag




Thrillers of all sorts, Terry Pratchet, Things that are FUNNY

My Blog

Mungrels on the mainland

Yes, have been chillin in gettign ready for NYENothing liek mainland mungrellery
Posted by Big Dave on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 02:33:00 PST