It HaS bEeN SaiD ThAt SoMetHiNg aS sMaLl As ThE fLuTteR oF a BuTteRfLy'S WiNgS cAn uLtiMaTeLy CaUsE a TyPhoOn HaLfWaY aRoUnD tHe WoRLd...
It HaS bEeN SaiD ThAt SoMetHiNg aS sMaLl As ThE fLuTteR oF a BuTteRfLy'S WiNgS cAn uLtiMaTeLy CaUsE a TyPhoOn HaLfWaY aRoUnD tHe WoRLd...
EveRytHiNg ThaT LiKe YouNg PeOpLe - FrIeNdShiP, MuSiC, LoVe, PaRtIeS, a GoOd TvShoW Or A MoVie . . .
Love is worth fighting for, being brave for and risking everything.
The trouble is if you don't risk everything
then you risk even more!
They always say that time changes things,
But you actually have to change them yourself!
If you can't get someone
out of your head
maybe they're supposed
to be there...
What is meant to be
will always find it's ways.
When the power of love over comes the love of power,
the world will now peace.
Jimi Hendrix
Friends Like A Four Leaf Clover
Hard To Find But Lucky To Have.
The return of the Sun
after a total eclipse,
it's rising in the morning
after its troublesome
absence at night,
and the reappearance of the
crescent moon
after the new moon
all spoke for our ancestors
of the possibility
of surviving death...
I believe...
&hearts All of the moments that already passed
We'll try to go back and make them last
All of the things we want each other to be
We never will be... we never will be...
PsYcHeDeliC TrAnCe, PrOgrEsSiVe TrAnCe, ElEcTroNiCa, TeChNo, AmbiEnT, HoUsE, PrOgReSsIvE HoUsE, PoP, 8o's,
RhCp, DePeChE MoDe, StInG...
EtErNaL SunShiNe Of A SpOtLeSs MiNd, BuTtErFlY eFfeCt, CloCkWoRk OrAnGe, DoGviLlE, BiG FiSh, CaRtOoNs...
ThE ThiRd RocK FroM ThE SuN, ThE SiMpSoNs, SoUtH PaRk, FrIeNdS, CouPliNg...
My FaVoRiTe WrItEr Is IvO AndRiC!
BuT My FaVoRiTe BoOk Is "Le PeTiT PrInCe" (LiTtLe pRiNcE) By AnToiNe dE SaiNt-ExUpErY :)
I'm SoRry I DoN't ReAd MorE (JuSt Don'T hAVe TiMe)
I LiKe VeRy MuCh "SoFiEs VerDen" by JoStEiN GaArDeN, aNd,
Oh, I MuSt pRaIsE ThE "ELeCtRoShOcK" By LaUrEnT GaRniEr
There is beauty in all imperfections:
Learn to love them!
Do you feel you're in a dream?
Is it real or hardly what is seems?
Can your heart decide again?
Do you stay or burn me in your flames?
Do you wanna remember?
Did it last forever?
Was it what you imagined?
Or did it feel like magic?
How would you feel?
How would you know?
If it was truly love?
Could you sleep or did you hardly eat?
Could you breath when you were next to me?
Did a song remind you of my smile?
Did my sense just linger on for a while?
Rome wasn't built in a day
You and me we're meant to be
Walking free in harmony
One fine day we'll fly away
Don't you know that
Rome wasn't built in a day
'Cause you and me we're
meant to be
Walking free in harmony
One fine day we'll fly away
Don't you know that
Rome wasn't built in a day
I'm having a daydream, we're getting somewhere
I'm kissing your lips and running fingers through your hair
I'm as nervous as you 'bout making it right
Though we know we were wrong,
we can't give up the fight
Oh no. . .
Rome wasn't
built in a day