About Me
Biografija:Momir Pandurov aka Mozza rodjen je u Pancevu 1984. godine.Trenutno je student druge godine Novosadskog Fakulteta za Menadzment (FAM), smer mediji. Izmedju 1999 i 2000. godine prvi put se susrece sa trance muzikom koja mu je u pocetku zvucala neinteresantno, ponekad cak i iritirajuce da bi vremenom svi ti zvukovi, melodije i bas linije pocinjali da dobijaju smisao i da mu se sve vise dopadaju. Prvi izvodjaci koji mu privlace paznju bili su legendarni projekti: Astral Projection, Miranda, Man With No Name, California Sunshine, Etnica i Shakta.U periodu kada pocinje intenzivnije da prati psy trance i redovno posecuje zurke (2002/2003) pojavljuje se i interesovanje za DJing. Pocetkom 2004. godine belezi svoj prvi nastup na lokalnoj zurci "Psychedelic Night" kao clan organizacije "Medicament". Tokom sledece dve godine nastupa na svim vecim lokalnim zurkama u Balon Hali i klubu "Petefi Sandor".Pocetkom 2006. godine napusta "Medicament" , a godinu dana kasnije zajedno sa drugom Milosem pocinje da organizuje zurke u Pancevu i okolini. Saradnja se pokazala kao prilicno uspesna i njih dvojica u septembru 2007. godine osnivaju organizaciju "Chaotic Beats". U novembru 2007. godine pridruzuje im se Dj DaPEACE dotadasnji clan organizacije “Monolit†cime je sastav "Chaotic Beats"-a kompletiran.Takodje u jesen 2007.godine postaje clan "Wicked Forest" organizacije...Njegov stil je full on trance (omiljeni projekti:Xerox and Illumination, Domestic, Cosma, Joti Sidhu, Zen Mechanics, Species,PTX, Etnica/Pleiadians,Deedrah...) ali povremeno voli i da pusta progressive trance, pretezno izvodjace kao sto su: Ace Ventura, Gaudium, Liquid Soul, Sun Control Species,Vibrasphere, Jaia, Behind Blue Eyes, Aerospace...Do sada je nastupao u mnogim gradovima i mestima sirom Srbije sa imenima kao sto su:
blu3army (PsySerbia/Wicked Forest/STS Music),AntA,Johan,RaVeR,Pura(S.T.R.),Lakac(Soundformer), kim0 (Synchronic Solutions/Soundmute.org), Zoli, Nomi i Loodi (InSight), Pendula (PsyGarden), Redy i Krle (Kolaps),Stole(Xperiment),Aki(Intellect),Dovla (Pion),
Sivi(Native Element), Cheda (Psychologic), Luka (SePsy), Kica i tOt (Medicament), Joca i Djuma (Arhetip/Silver Sun),Berta(Wicked Forest),Gidra, Savke ..._________________________________________________________
__Biography:Momir Pandurov aka Mozza was born in Panchevo in 1984. Currently he is a student on second year of Novi Sad university for managment (FAM), media course.
Between 1999 and 2000 for the first time he meets with trance music which sounded quite uninteresting, even iritating, but in time all of those samples melodies and bass lines started to make sense and eventually he grew fond of them.The first artists who drew his attention were legendary projects: Astral Projection, Miranda, Man With No Name, California Sunshine, Etnica and Shakta.During the period he started with more intensity to follow psytrance and visits parties on regular basis (2002/2003) interest for djing appears. In the begining of he marks his first performance on a local party "Psychedelic Night" as a member of "Medicament" organization. During next two years he performs on all bigger local parties at "Balon" hall and at "Petefi Sandor" club.At the begining of 2006 he leaves "Medicament", and a year later in cooperation with his friend Milosh begins to organise parties in Panchevo and its surroundings. Cooperation was quite successfull and in Septembar 2007 they founded "Chaotic Beats" organization. In Novembar 2007 a dj DaPEACE, former member of "Monolit" organization, joins them and "Chaotic Beats" is finaly complete.Also in autumn 2007. he became member of "Wicked Forest" organisation...His style is full on trance (favourite projects: Xerox and Illumination, Domestic, Cosma, Joti Sidhu, Zen Mechanics, Species,PTX, Etnica/Pleiadians,Deedrah...) and from time to time he likes to play progressive trance, mostly artists like : Ace Ventura, Gaudium, Liquid Soul, Sun Control Species,Vibrasphere, Jaia, Behind Blue Eyes, Aerospace...So far he performed in many places throughout Serbia with names such as blu3army (PsySerbia/Wicked Forest/STS Music),AntA,Johan,RaVeR,Pura(S.T.R.),Lakac(Soundformer), kim0 (Synchronic Solutions/Soundmute.org), Zoli, Nomi and Loodi(InSight),Pendula (PsyGarden),Redy and Krle (Kolaps),Stole(Xperiment),Aki(Intellect),Dovla (Pion),
Sivi(Native Element), Cheda (Psychologic), Luka (SePsy), Kica and tOt (Medicament), Joca and Djuma (Arhetip/Silver Sun),Berta(Wicked Forest),Gidra, Savke ...I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)