Powerlifting, tennis, piano, climbing, writing, eroticism, worms, and squirrels (not necessarily in this order).
Compassionate, friendly, stunning, funny, erotic, demure, daring, easy-going, women with (at least) a passing interest in squirrels. Others can try their luck!
Wide-ranging from classical to the latest, from musicals to filmscores; however, if I can sing it, then I definitely don't want it.
The Time machine, T1&2, Ordinary People (only said that to impress the girls), Predator 1&2, AVP, The Mask--all the high power intellectual stuff. Or anything with a squirrel in it.
Mostly those with in-depth studies of human nature, the environment and compassion--'X-factor' springs to mind! Again, anything with a squirrel in it.
Can't remember their exact titles, but I do recall the words 'fetish', 'slippery', and 'flesh' came up a lot!
No one you'd !know