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%D%A%D%A i turn out to be different when you ask the opinion of others... dont think you could ever wedge me into 1 category..for am i contradiction of numerous qualities..ever evolving even at this given matter what , im just myself dont take me as presumptious ,conceited or even narassistic... i aint...**%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A***tokin bout ma'self?well, im just a typicaL creatUre LivinG with'a hugE idiOt with a gOod heArt. i'm nOt dat cOy tyPe,i'm freNDLy nd'Love mingLinG, But if you piss mE off, you're pretty much screwed..%D%A%D%A**Either you love me or you hate me attitude. I'm a direct person, I state what I have in mind without hesitation. I may appear to be brutally honest, but I expect likewise. I love simple things in life, and I'm extremely thankful for what's upon and what I'm given. I can be your best friend or your worst adversary. To my friends and family Im someone they can count on. I dont treat everyone equally, nor do I give everybody the same level of respect. They would have to earn them. %D%AIf God made our trail so lucid, then we wouldnt have room to grow, no place for realization and no point of living life. Obstacles are upon to enlighten our thoughts, and to be kept as a future reference. I can be a listener and a good advisor you choose. I'm patient, but don't push me to the limit, understanding but don't push my buttons. I stand by my words as well as I stand by my ground, though Im a little indecisive; a bit hesitant because I try to makes things right. But I know when I'm wrong and I admit it. Im a random, sarcastic and cocky person, but I can be serious when I need to be. I am demanding, easily distracted, lenient, stubborn, unruly and etc. (words can never say enough about an individual, so never judge hastily). Others may find me a bit complicated, but yet Im very simple. "wHat ThEY SeE AnD sAy AbOUt Me DoEs NoT DeFiNe WhO i am iN ReALiTy. WhAT's PeRcEiVeD iS A MeRe SuRfAcE, WhAt'S SaiD iS MeRe OpiNiOn; FoR WhAt'S iNeViTabLe iS hIDdEN WitHiN ThE dEPtHs oF mY sOuL. OnLY i CaN teLL mY oWn AUtHeNtiCItY" People usually misunderstood me. Some are glad to see me, but mostly, they are so resentful They just cant appreciate me..don't give a damn anywaysz..!! =D%D%A Layout made by [color=& &&am p;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;&a mp;amp;amp;amp;&& ;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;&&a mp;amp;amp;amp;amp;&&&am p;amp;amp;#035;035;035;035;035;03 5;035;035;035;035;035;EB8DBB]&am p;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;hearts;Kat&amp ;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;hearts;[/color] %D%A%9%D%A%D%A***Moving Line Decorator*** %D%A %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A N %D%A%D%A