Christina profile picture


2008 will be amazing!!!

About Me

************* NEW! ****************

Je me nourris des gens que je rencontre, que je côtoie! j'aime l'inconnu, la différence, le challenge, les voyages dans des univers variés, des émotions, des atmosphères... La vie n'est pas facile tous les jours mais qu'est ce qu'elle est intéressante!I feed myself with the people i meet, the ones i know! I like the unknow, difference, challenge, travelling to various worlds, emotions, atmospheres... Life is not always easy, but it's so interesting!

well well well!! En deux mots... je suis une petite curieuse, j'aime decouvrir ce que je ne connais pas encore. Peut etre un defaut de comédienne que je suis?;-))*************************************************** *********
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!Cabaret : i love it!!! i wish i will be able to perform in a musical!!!

My Interests

I am an actress so.... ACTING;) Hihi, travelling, photographing, sports, reading, filming, music, singing, high technology, dancing, culture in general!!

I'd like to meet:

Cool people!!! people who love life!
People who can be touched, who are ambitious,open-minded, creative, generous, funny and so many others.


Eclectic music


Recently very touched by 'Never Forever' by Gina Kim
A lot of films and directors : Crash, Paul Haggis / Constant gardener, Fernando Meirelles / Almodovar / Stephen Frears / Woody Allen /Darren Aronofsky / Jan Kounen / Costa Gavras/ Alejandro González Inárritu/ Ken Loach/Ricordati di me, Gabriele Muccino /Gaspar Noé/ Danièle Thompson /Dominik Moll /Olivier Assayas / Mike Leigh/ Richard Curtis / christophe Gans/ christophe Honoré/ Toni Gatlif /olivier Marchal/ jacques Audiard/ Mathieu Kassovitz /Nicolas Boukrief/ Ne le dis à personne, Guillaume Canet et bien d'autres...
A couple of movies i saw and loved! *********************************************************** Caramel by Nadine Labaki
caramel bande annonce
envoyé par krokok The last king of scotland by Kevin Macdonald La Môme de Olivier DahanChildren of Men : amazing film!


Sex and the city/ Grey's anatomy/ cold case/ desperate Housewives/ Kaamelott/ Groeland/ prison Break and so many others


At the moment Récits de femme by Dario Fo & Franca Rame


so many...