Listen here for the James Tate and NiteCamp interview on GAY PIMPIN WITH JOHNNY McGOVERN Podcast
FileFactory.comHey, I'm here to change around the NYC Nitelife and make it better. Are you tired of the same ol scene with the same ol club nites??? Well, thats when i come in and blow you away. Ask anyone who has been to my parites....NiteCamp is fun as shit. i promise you that it will be the most fun you had in a long time. Thats my guarantee---no other club or party promises that. So just come out and see what all the hoo-ra is about, i'm sure you've heard about it by now. We're getting bigger and bigger and soon, NIteCamp nites will be the only nite to party!!Come see all our underwear models!! Come compete in our contests!!! Come get drunk at the bar!!! Come to listen to your favorite songs--by request!!
.........................and i promise you'll come again and again.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^NiteCamp is available
Thursday nites at POP!ROCKS (13th and University)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^